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Budget & Performance

  • Annual Reports  - provide information on GSA's actual performance and progress towards achieving the goals of the Strategic Plan and performance budget. 
  • Budget Requests - congressional justifications to Congress communicating policy proposals and other initiatives of GSA and the Administration, and request resources to support those policies.
  • Summary of Performance and Financial Information (Citizens Report) - provides key information from the FY 2012 Agency Financial Report in a brief, user-friendly format.
  • GSA Strategic Plan FY 2007-2012  - establishes GSA's mission and strategic goals, and includes a description of the means and strategies that will be used to achieve the goals.
  • - Shows GSA's High Priority Performance Goals with action plans and measures.
  • GAO High-Risk Improvement Plans - Since 1990, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has identified and reported on government programs and operations at “high risk”.
  • Inspector General Audits, Investigative Reports, and Hotline to Report Fraud Waste and Abuse  - The Office of the Inspector General is an independent office within GSA that conducts audits and investigations of GSA’s internal operations, programs, and external contractors. The OIG promotes economy, efficiency, and effectiveness, and prevents and detects fraud, waste and mismanagement in the agency’s programs and operations.
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reports, budget, Budget & Performance, planning, financial, strategic, furlough, contingency plan