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U.S. Specialists and Embassy Speakers' Program
Speaker Carol Kramer Leblanc at FNSEA

Speaker Carol Kramer Leblanc at FNSEA

U.S. Specialists

U.S. Specialists are American experts who engage with foreign audiences around the world through lectures, workshops, and seminars on U.S. policies, society, and culture. These experts may be U.S. Government officials, but most are not; the Embassy can specifically request them or simply ask for some of their time during a pre-arranged visit. Such events in France are used to inform the French public and policy makers, and they include:

  • Traveling Speakers: authors, Supreme Court Justices, professional athletes, and others engage directly with foreign audiences.
  • Citizen Dialogues: Americans of all religious backgrounds share their experiences, highlighting religious contributions to U.S. society.
  • Digital Video Conferences and Electronic Speakers: American experts connect with people worldwide through digital video conferences, Webchats, Webcasts, and blogs (in a variety of languages).
  • Podcasts: audio files are posted on Embassy websites or broadcast on local radio stations. They include interviews with prominent Americans, stories about U.S. society and culture, and U.S. policy highlights.

Embassy Paris Speakers' Program

The goal of the Embassy Speakers program is to explain U.S. policies and culture and to promote understanding of mutual French-U.S. values. Through this program, French schools, primarily junior-high and high schools, but also U.S.-French friendship groups and organizers of public events, can request to have an American Embassy Officer come and speak on a wide variety of subjects. Topics range from general presentations on the U.S. to issues such as U.S. foreign policy, U.S. elections, and the functioning of Embassies. To request an Embassy Speaker, please complete the entire questionnaire and return it to our office no later than two weeks prior to the presentation. If we do not receive the completed questionnaire two weeks prior to the date of the presentation, we will assume that you are no longer interested in the U.S. Embassy Speakers’ Program and will cancel the request.

Click here to open the questionnaire (pdf format)

Please email completed questionnaires to  
Or send to: 

American Embassy Paris
Education Specialist, 
2 avenue Gabriel, 75382 Paris cedex 08, 
Thank you! 


  • Video Sourdun

    On March 11, 2011, Connie Fredericks and James Malone  participated in the Embassy Speakers program at the Internat d’Excellence in Sourdun: “Carole Fredericks, The African American singer”  They talk about this experience and their goals.