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September 24, 2010


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May I forward this to the Community College Education program at George Mason University?
Rod McFadden

Community colleges are very important. I remember when I was in special education classes in high school, teachers and guidence councilors said I could not go to college, and could not get a job either. My mother though thought I could go to the community college after I left high school, so we did the college sign up process when I was in my last year of high school . I was able to go and got grades high enough to be able to transfer to CalState Fullerton and finally graduated from there with a BA in Political Science. The whole thing took me 10 years to do and lots of support from the disabled students associations at both colleges, but it was all worth it. And while my first job was in the Goodwill Workshop, I have been employed in the city library for 8 years now. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

I would like to see more federal monies go to the community colleges. I know the large universities are suffering, because of high tuition and fees, but that should be a good reason to expand what the community colleges offer as far as classes to be offered. Most are very limited as far as what fields (classes) are offered.

They help a lot of high school students continue their education. Making it easier for them to find good paying jobs.

I agree that community college is very important. Contacts and friends from the college have the most influence in our lives.

Here in rural Southwestern Wisconsin, transportation is one of the biggest barriers to education. There isn't any public transit. People travel 40-60 miles a day to attend Southwest Technical College. Lots of people drop out later in the semester because they can't afford the gas.

We are trying to start a shuttle, but we could use more federal funding. Why isn't there public transit money tied to education? Shouldn't this be a transportation priority?

In my point of view this kind of community colleges have very importance in our life. It's important to set up this kind of colleges where people have barriers to educations.

I totally agree! Community college is an amazing opportunity not only to get a good education but also to find new friends and important contacts you'll need in future

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