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Program Integrity

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Program Integrity

Division of Program Integrity - DPI

Functional Statement

The OMA Division of Program Integrity:

  1. Provides a centralized management survey and review capability to promote program integrity.

  2. Conducts appraisals of alleged incidents of waste, fraud, and abuse.

  3. Has lead responsibility for cases received through the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Hotline that are referred to NIH for action.

Contacting the DPI

The OMA DPI may be contacted via the following address:

National Institutes of Health
Office of Management Assessment
Division of Program Integrity
6011 Executive Blvd., MSC 7669
Rockville, MD 20852

Phone: (301) 496-5586
Fax: (301) 480-1204

Staff List

Maritza Zeiberg, Director, DPI
Stefano Petrucci
Jennie Kaplan [C]

Peter Vallino, Team Leader A
Flor Martinez
Mia Brent
Patrick Sampson
Allison Moyal

Thomas Hartshorne, Team Leader B
Paul McCollough
Larry Heller
Joel Snyderman
Ida Olufade
Avais Karmali [C]


National Institutes of Health OMA Home

Last updated on:
March 19, 2009

National Institutes of Health
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