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Welcome to the U.S. Army Energy Initiatives Task Force (EITF)! Thank you for your interest in our ongoing mission to power and secure Army communities with renewable energy to better serve and defend our nation.

Our commitment is to employ an enterprise-wide approach to initiate, execute and manage large-scale renewable energy projects on Army installations. This will enhance our nation’s energy security and sustainability, while assisting the Army in meeting its goal of drawing 25 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2025.

There is work to be done.

To furnish the Army with an additional 2.5 million MWh a year of renewable energy, the EITF seeks innovative and collaborative partnerships with private industry and business to finance, plan and execute a cost-effective portfolio of large-scale renewable energy projects on U.S. Army installations.

We have the land and the energy demand.

But to strengthen our energy security, support Department of Defense energy goals and optimize available resources, we need private-sector know-how, entrepreneurism and participation.

To maximize these renewable energy efforts, the EITF is utilizing third-party financing authorities such as Power Purchase Agreements, Enhanced Use Leasing and Energy Savings Performance Contracts. Our goal is to streamline Army business practices so that private sector investors and industry innovators can do what they do best – design, build and execute the next generation of renewable energy projects to power a willing and loyal customer -- the U.S. Army.

There are many exciting business opportunities to help renew the Army with renewable energy. We at EITF invite you to begin exploring and considering them here.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Latest News

September 2, 2012
Huge Crowd Turnout for $7 Billion DoD Clean Energy Pre-proposal Conference
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August 29, 2012
Industry Shows Interest in Army's Renewable Energy Initiatives
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August 11, 2012
Army Uncorks $7 Billion Clean Power Gold Rush
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September 27-28
Renewable Energy Finance Forum - West
San Francisco, CA
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October 10-12
Future Power Summit
Washington, DC
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October 17-19
Renewable Energy Technology Conference & Exhibition (RETECH)
Washington, DC
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  • I'm proud to announce that the Department of Defense, the world's largest consumer of energy, will make one of the largest commitments to clean energy in history.
    President Barack Obama
  • To meet a goal of 25 percent renewable energy by 2025, the Army must use every opportunity to be energy efficient and draw power from alternative and/or renewable energy sources.
    Secretary of the Army John McHugh
  • Leaders must drive a culture change regarding energy. It will be the work of leaders and Soldiers that will make the Army successful.
    - ASA (IE&E) Hon Hammack