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Photo Gallery: Check Printers at FMS Regional Financial Centers

The Combo Print System is a computer-controlled system using a combination of Commercial Off-the-Shelf software and FMS-developed software to produce government checks and payment and debt-related information.

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Laser Printer at Regional Financial Center

The system consists of three processes--printing; verification; and cutting, trimming and stacking. Laser printing technology allows the system to print up to 60,000 checks per hour.

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Photo of combo print system

The Check Wrapping System completes the check process. Envelopes are literally wrapped around the checks, and any materials to be inserted into the check mailing.

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Photo of check wrapping system

As the checks approach the end of the wrapper, they are gathered very carefully, placed in trays, and taken to the check vault to be held until the mail date.

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Photo of check wrapping system

   Last Updated:  August 18, 2011

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