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Blog Submissions and Authorship Policy

All blog entries should conform to the blog’s purpose “to engage the public in an ongoing dialogue about the Coast Guard’s people, missions and the issues that impact America’s maritime safety, stewardship and security” or “to better understand the missions of the Coast Guard from the personal perspective, and to hear how challenges are being addressed.” Entries should include external links to references to build credibility and clarify information/facts. Entries shall also follow the guidelines set forth in the blog’s comment policy (see the ‘About‘ section).

Blog administrators reserve the right to review post ideas/submissions to determine whether or not they will appear in the blog. Administrators may also edit submissions (not comments) for grammar and SAPP (security, accuracy, policy and propriety) prior to posting. The Coast Guard provides no compensation for submissions published on the blog.

Unless annotated, the person posting the entry is the author. If an entry was authored by someone other than the person posting it, the author’s name(s) will appear at the beginning of the post (“Post written by {name}”). Blog administrators may occasionally exercise editorial control over the content, but everyone listed as an author has made a substantial, direct, intellectual contribution to the work and has approved the final version. If a person(s) contributed to an entry through research, data collection, creative idea, and the like, the contributor’s name(s) will appear at the beginning of the post (“{name} contributed to this post”).

All opinions expressed in blog postings are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Coast Guard. Blog authors are solely responsible for the material they submit for posting.

Note: This site is for public information only and is not a distress communication channel. People in an emergency and need of Coast Guard assistance should use VHF-FM Channel 16 (156.8 MHz), dial 911, or call their nearest Coast Guard unit.

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