Obama Meets With Afghanistan's Karzai


Afghan President Hamid Karzai arrived in the United States Monday for a four-day mission to repair relations.

White House officials said that on Tuesday Karzai met with Secretary Hillary R. Clinton and State Department officials throughout the day discussing strategic partnership between the nations. Secretary Clinton also met with Karzai’s Afghan delegation, which included several ministers.

“What measures true partnership is the ability, when the stakes are as high as they are for Afghanistan and the United States of America, to be able to work our way through difficulties and come back together,” U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry told the Associated Press.

Karzai will visit the White House on Wednesday and meet with President Obama.

7 thoughts on “Obama Meets With Afghanistan's Karzai

  1. Obama will have to smoke a cigarette and Karzai with a chillum to take in its smoke but then the fact is “can smoke repair relations”? What is strategic partnership between nations?
    Well, its purpose should be honesty to the core for friendship for sharing the wealth of lands in reciprocity of peace for its people. If the area of Afghanistan stands invaded by the so called aliens as terrorists, it is for that reason that the forces of America are there for a global purpose on peace and then India is also there being a friend who basically stands for peace and Pakistan’s elite is in its transforming state for peace being also as the classified victim on terrorism. So what is there to talk on repairing relationships when the facts of clarity are to stand selflessly for the land that feeds its people? Americans are not happy being there with two Presidential Minds of Obama and the other Hillary Clinton as Secretary of state working on problems. It has been God’s Grace for America and Russia has no less come into the picture to assess the picture of Afghanistan where they have spoken in absolute pragmatic terms in supporting India’s line of approach on Afghanistan. Russians have satellite aerial in their mind that was meant to stand that way and that is why today America and Russia stand for peace – thanks to the unique Obama of America in capturing America as land for it and thanks to Hillary Clinton to show her spirit selflessly for the nation and then America now have the maturity where Obama does not eliminate his vice Presidential mate. It all seems going very well and in a changed scenario others are required to follow honestly and that is where Karzai honestly should place himself overlooking the corruption and smoke out into the exhaust if sitting in the air-conditioned environments.
    Ravinder Kumar.

  2. To be honest, America’s AfPak policy is marred by myopic and conflicting policies. It aims at making Afghanistan government self reliant withing the span of next year or two. But Washington has no interest in giving Karzai an honest hearing.

    Kabul is suspicious of Pakistan and considers it the epicenter of its woes. But, Obama finds Islamabad an indispensable ally in war on terror, totally convinced that Pakistan has no role Islamist terrorism.

    Placating a double dealing conman is not the best way of dealing with him.

    America needs to be clear about the forces it wants to be in control of the region when it pulls out of Afghanistan. All efforts must be guided towards strengthening those.

    If harmony and democracy are the elusive goals then areas where these thrive should interest America more than the civil strife torn and death wish haunted Pakistan.

    The best way to beat the forces of evil is to strengthen the spirit of goodness and expand its influence.

  3. Since last two centuries rulers in Afghanistan have never been elected through popular support. First British used to impose compliant rulers. Karzai too has reached the power corridor in simslar way with mnior difference that the British is an ally under the command of USA. What has been the fate of such rulers during last two centuries, will not be different today if similar intentions are there. If realy the change , promised by president Obama is aimed at making America different from what the America had been during Bush or his predecessrs, then surely one has sufficient reason to believe that situation will be on right track to the right destiny. Karzai as an Afghan has ability to deliver provided he is allowed as true president of Afghanistan and his suggestions are given due weight. Karzai’s emphesis on negotiated settlement with the Taliban shows his awarenes of Aghan nature and sincere advice to his American Masters which must get due attention if USA wished to see safe exit from Afghan soil. Taliban have been pushed to become the enemy of USA and part of Alqaida when they were betrayed in a deal with Karzai when Mullah Umer agreed on surrender in Kandahar but next day Washington rejected this deal and declered Mullah Umar equaly responsible for 9/11 incident. If this had not happened and with true spirits had helped Afghan in reconstruction then surely Afghans would have responded with putting an end to the Alqaida at least in Afghanistan. During Taliban rule majority of Taliban leadership had opposed Osama’s interference in Afghan affairs and even just before US invasion Taliban sponsored religious scholars assembly had suggested Mullah Umar to expell Osama from Afghanistan. This mean that Afghan as a nation have avoided confrontation with USA and sincerely wish to see friendship with USA therefore USA too should feel the difference and give Karzai a free hand in talking to his people for restoration of peace and stability in Afghanistan. This will corner and isolate Alqaida.

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