News List

  • Statement on Tax Holiday Deal
    Dec 22, 2011  - Congressman Sensenbrenner released this statement regarding the announcement that the House and Senate have reached an agreement on the payroll tax holiday: “While I still support a year-long extension, I am happy to hear that that Speaker Boehner and Senator Reid have come to an agreement on the pa... More
  • Statement on Payroll Tax Vote
    Dec 20, 2011  - Following the House vote to go to conference on the payroll tax bill, Congressman Sensenbrenner called on the Senate to return to Washington to work out differences between the House and Senate-passed bills to provide certainty to hard-working Americans. “Job creators in my district told me they nee... More
  • Public deserves truth about Fast and Furious
    Dec 19, 2011  - Published 12/17/2011 By Congressman Sensenbrenner Last week, Attorney General Eric Holder testified before the House Judiciary Committee regarding an investigative program, called Operation Fast and Furious, but he raised more questions than he answered. This operation allowed the sale of weapons t... More
  • Sensebrenner outlines opposition to SOPA
    Dec 16, 2011  - During Thursday's House Judiciary Committee meeting, Congressman Sensenbrenner outlined his opposition to the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA. His concerns are regarding constitutional, cybersecurity, and effectiveness issues. More
  • Committee Leaders Call for Nuclear Chief’s Resignation
    Dec 14, 2011  - Today, Science, Space, and Technology Committee Vice Chairman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Paul Broun (R-GA), and Energy and Environment Subcommittee Chairman Andy Harris (R-MD) issued the following joint statement calling for Nuclear Regulatory Commis... More
  • Where Does the President Stand on Campaign Finance?
    Dec 14, 2011  - Congressman Sensenbrenner today joined over 80 Members of the House of Representatives in calling on President Obama to clarify his position on the taxpayer funded presidential campaign fund. “President Obama criticized Republicans in Congress for voting to end the taxpayer-funded presidential campa... More
  • Opening Statement on Reforming the Criminal Code
    Dec 13, 2011  - Today’s hearing continues the Subcommittee’s bipartisan review of overcriminalization and over-federalization that began last Congress. Hearings convened last Congress by my colleague, Ranking Member Bobby Scott, resurrected important policy discussions that had been dormant for over two decades abo... More
  • Sensenbrenner, Huizenga, Maloney, Frank Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Increase Private Sector Competition For Government Contracts
    Dec 13, 2011  - Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, WI-05, along with Bill Huizenga, MI-02, Reps. Carolyn Maloney, NY-14, and Barney Frank, MA-04 announce legislation that will once again allow local job creators - especially manufacturers and service industries - to compete on equal footing for contrac... More
  • Sensenbrenner Questions Attorney General Holder on Fast and Furious
    Dec 8, 2011  - “The American people deserve to know the truth, and for the past year, they have not been getting the truth from DOJ about Fast and Furious.” -Congressman Sensenbrenner Click here to watch Congressman Sensenbrenner's questions to Attorney General Holder Excerpts from today’s hearing: On inconsisten... More
  • Holds 151 Meetings in 2011
    Dec 1, 2011  - Congressman Sensenbrenner has wrapped up a vigorous schedule of Office Hours and Town Halls, holding 151 public meetings this year for his constituents to meet with him and share their thoughts. “These meetings provide an opportunity for constituents to voice their concerns directly to me about what... More