News List

  • Information on Undeliverable IRS Tax Refund Checks
    Dec 19, 2007  - Please view the attached documents for information on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Tax refund checks that could not be delivered to Wisconsin residents this year, and were consequently returned to the IRS. There are 1,164 Wisconsin taxpayers who are eligible for one or more tax refund checks. The... More
  • Sensenbrenner Opposes Omnibus Appropriations Bill
    Dec 18, 2007  - Menomonee Falls Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner issued the following statement today after voting against the massive 2008 omnibus appropriations bill late last night: “I voted ‘No’ for this half-trillion dollar behemoth of a bill because there’s plenty here that is unacceptable to me and to my const... More
  • Sensenbrenner Votes ‘NO’ on “No Energy” Bill
    Dec 18, 2007  - Menomonee Falls Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner issued the following statement today after voting against the energy bill (HR 6), earlier in the day: “This bill can be more accurately referred to as the ‘No Energy Bill,’ and enacting it into law will hurt consumers in their pocketbooks in several way... More
  • Sensenbrenner Opposes Pay Hike for Federal Judges
    Dec 14, 2007  - Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Menomonee Falls) voted against increasing salaries for federal judges this week during consideration in the House Judiciary Committee of the Federal Judicial Salary Restoration Act. The proposal, which passed the Committee by a vote of 28 to 5, increases federal judges’ pa... More
  • Sensenbrenner Opposed To Early Release of Criminals
    Dec 6, 2007  - (Washington, DC) – Menomonee Falls Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner expressed his concerns and opposition to legislation discussed in the House Judiciary Committee earlier today. The Judiciary Committee, which Congressman Sensenbrenner chaired for the last 6 years, held a hearing on the Federal Prison... More
  • Sensenbrenner Supports Second Chance Act
    Nov 14, 2007  - With the support of Menomonee Falls Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, the House of Representatives yesterday passed HR 1593, the Second Chance Act, by a vote of 347 to 62. Congressman Sensenbrenner is a co-sponsor of this legislation, which was introduced to assist the increasing number of prisoners r... More
  • Sensenbrenner Speaks Out Against The “Sham Democrat AMT Tax Patch”
    Nov 9, 2007  - Menomonee Falls Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner recorded a radio actuality today after the House of Representatives passed HR 3996, the Temporary Tax Relief Act. To listen to the Congressman’s message, radio stations and the public may access this actuality by dialing (202) 226-4766, and entering 113... More
  • Sensenbrenner Introduces Bill to Simplify Criminal Code
    Nov 8, 2007  - In an ongoing effort to update and consolidate provisions in the U.S. Criminal Code, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Menomonee Falls) this week re-introduced the Criminal Code Modernization and Simplification Act of 2007. This measure was originally introduced by Representative Sensenbrenner during his t... More
  • Sensenbrenner Admonishes Congress for AMT Inaction
    Nov 7, 2007  - Menomonee Falls Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner issued the following statement today after learning about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s decision to put off any discussion of the Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT) until after the Thanksgiving break: “Someone needs to send the Democratic Leadership in t... More
  • For Sale! Sensenbrenner Offers Flags Flown Over US Capitol
    Nov 6, 2007  - Menomonee Falls Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner today announced the immediate availability of flags in stock, purchased from the Capitol’s Flag Office, that have already been flown over the US Capitol building. Congressman Sensenbrenner provides these flags at cost (including postage) with a personal... More