News List

  • Some Important Bills Passed by the House...
    Dec 26, 2001  - December 26, 2001 Raj Bharwani 426 Words (202) 225-5101 Some Important Bills Passed by the House... ...but Not the Senate In 2001, there were many important bills - pre and post September 11 - that passed the House but languished in the Senate. Prior to September 11, the House passed an energy bill... More
  • House Passes Sensenbrenner Border and Visa Security Legislation
    Dec 20, 2001  - For Immediate Release Contact: Raj Bharwani December 20, 2001 (202) 225-5101 House Passes Sensenbrenner Border and Visa Security Legislation WASHINGTON, D.C. - The House yesterday by voice vote passed legislation aimed at tightening a U.S. immigration system that has been abused by some illegal ali... More
  • On the Three-Month Anniversary of September 11, House Passes Bills Supporting Veterans
    Dec 13, 2001  - December 13, 2001 Raj Bharwani 455 Words (202) 225-5101 On the Three-Month Anniversary of September 11, House Passes Bills Supporting Veterans Less than a week after the 60th anniversary of the day Pearl Harbor was attacked, the House, with my strong support, passed three bills to help take care of... More
  • Sensenbrenner Statement at House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Major League Baseball
    Dec 6, 2001  - For Immediate Release Contact: Raj Bharwani December 6, 2001 (202) 225-5101 Sensenbrenner Statement at House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Major League Baseball WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Earlier today, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on H.R. 3288, the Fairness in Antitrust in National Sport... More
  • House Judiciary Committee Holds Antitrust Hearings
    Dec 6, 2001  - December 6, 2001 Raj Bharwani 558 Words (202) 225-5101 House Judiciary Committee Holds Antitrust Hearings to Ensure Fair Competition Antitrust issues affect everyone. It is not just a "big business" or "big company" issue. From the break up of Standard Oil and American Tobacco monopolies in the ear... More
  • Sensenbrenner Votes to Honor Veterans Day
    Dec 5, 2001  - For Immediate Release Contact: Raj Bharwani December 5, 2001 (202) 225-5101 Sensenbrenner Votes to Honor Veterans Day (Washington, DC) – Today, with the firm support of Representative F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, JR., (R-Menomonee Falls), the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed H.Res. 298 by ... More
  • Researchers Playing God
    Nov 30, 2001  - November 30, 2001 Raj Bharwani 550 Words (202) 225-5101 Researchers Playing God Once again, America is in the middle of the cloning debate. Researchers at a Worcester, Massachusetts biotech company, Advanced Cell Technology (ACT), confirmed this past weekend that they succeeded in creating the worl... More
  • U.S. Capitol out of Flags!
    Nov 20, 2001  - For Immediate Release Contact: Raj Bharwani November 20, 2001 (202) 225-5101 U.S. Capitol out of Flags! (Washington, DC) – According to reports, for perhaps the first time in congressional history, the U.S. Capitol has run out of flags. Due to the overwhelming demand for flags nationwide, the manuf... More
  • Sensenbrenner, Kohl, and Feingold, Submit Commission's Names to President Bush
    Nov 16, 2001  - For Immediate Release Contact: Raj Bharwani November 16, 2001 (202) 225-5101 Sensenbrenner, Kohl, and Feingold, Submit Commission's Names to President Bush Washington, DC -- Representative F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, JR. (R-Menomonee Falls) today issued the following statement regarding the names submi... More
  • We Can Give Thanks...
    Nov 16, 2001  - November 16, 2001 Raj Bharwani 460 Words (202) 225-5101 We Can Give Thanks... It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. The last couple of months have been trying for all of us. Whether one was directly impacted by the events of September 11th through the loss of a loved one... More