Speeches and Floor Statements

  • Sensenbrenner Asks DHS on TSA Approved Flight School for Illegal Immigrants
    Jul 19, 2012  - Today, Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner asked Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano about serious security lapses. According to a GAO report, TSA allowed 25 illegal immigrants to attend flight school, and some foreigners had completed without background checks. Sensenbrenner called... More
  • Transcript of Congressman Sensenbrenner’s Remarks at Today’s Press Conference
    Jul 10, 2012  - Transcript of Congressman Sensenbrenner’s Remarks at Today’s Press Conference “We will be introducing the Religious Freedom Tax Repeal Act of 2012. What this legislation will do is repeal the taxes that will be levied upon those religious institutions and those who have moral or religious objections... More
  • Transcript: Sensenbrenner speaks on House Floor on Congressional Oversight
    Jun 28, 2012  - Mr. speaker, this isn't about politics. This is about the constitution. And it's about Congress' mandate to do oversight -- mandate to do oversight over both executive and judicial branches of government. The President is asserting executive privilege to attempt to shield these documents. And he is ... More
  • Sensenbrenner Speaks on House Floor in Support of VAWA
    May 16, 2012  - Thank you, Madam Speaker. I can't believe what I’m hearing on the other side of the aisle. I was the author of the last re-authorization of VAWA. It passed this house 415-4, and many of the members who are complaining about the inadequacy of the present law weren't around to try to strengthen it. T... More
  • Hearing on Secure Identification: The REAL ID Act’s Minimum Standards for Driver’s Licenses and Identification Cards
    Mar 21, 2012  - Statement of F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. Chairman, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security Hearing on Secure Identification: The REAL ID Act’s Minimum Standards for Driver’s Licenses and Identification Cards March 21, 2012 Today’s hearing examines whether the Department of Homeland Se... More
  • Sensenbrenner Video: Restore Private Property Rights
    Feb 28, 2012  - Today the U.S. House of Representatives approved Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner’s legislation, H.R. 1433 the Private Property Rights Protection Act. Watch this video of Congressman Sensenbrenner’s remarks on the House Floor: Text as prepared: Mr. Speaker, I am pleased that the House of Representative... More
  • Protecting Religious Liberty and America's Heritage
    Feb 15, 2012  - Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) spoke today at a press conference on HR 1179, the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, and the importance of protecting conscience rights (full text below). "The modification that was announced by the President last Friday is probably worse than the original ann... More
  • Keep the Web OPEN
    Jan 25, 2012  - I want to keep the web OPEN because a free and open Internet means protecting individual freedom. Our Constitution’s Bill of Rights says ‘Congress shall make no law’ because our founding fathers knew we must be vigilant to protect against government interference and encroachment upon our freedoms. ... More
  • Sensenbrenner Remarks at 2012 March for Life
    Jan 23, 2012  - “Good afternoon, I'm Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, the former Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. “One of the principles upon which our country was founded was freedom. Last Friday, the Obama Administration took away a freedom by going against conscience protection. And what th... More
  • Sensebrenner outlines opposition to SOPA
    Dec 16, 2011  - During Thursday's House Judiciary Committee meeting, Congressman Sensenbrenner outlined his opposition to the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA. His concerns are regarding constitutional, cybersecurity, and effectiveness issues. More