Opinion Pieces

  • Affordable Care Act gives government permission to play the bully
    Aug 1, 2012  - Affordable Care Act gives government permission to play the bully By Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Published August 01, 2012 The Affordable Care Act empowers the government to bully, tax and threaten every American, regardless of their religious or moral convictions, to fall in line with the Health a... More
  • POLITICO OpEd- Politicizing the Voting Rights Act
    Jul 30, 2012  - Politicizing the Voting Rights Act By: Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner The fundamental goals and bipartisan legacy of the Voting Rights Act are imperiled by Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department and the administration he serves. The beleaguered attorney general recently asserted that common-sens... More
  • Ethanol leaves consumers stranded
    May 24, 2012  - Ethanol leaves consumers stranded By. Congressman Sensenbrenner,0,1865983.story Ready or not, here it comes. At least that is the message from the ethanol lobby about E15, gasoline with 15 percent ethanol. Ethanol producers... More
  • Motorcycle-Only Checkpoints Are Misguided Policy
    May 16, 2012  - Sensenbrenner: Motorcycle-Only Checkpoints Are Misguided Policy By Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner Special to Roll Call May 16, 2012, 10:43 a.m. May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and we welcome motorcyclists from across the country to Washington for “Bikers Inside the Beltway” week. During this week, ... More
  • Preventing release of lethal science
    Apr 25, 2012  - By. F. James Sensenbrenner When researchers used federal funding to genetically mutate the lethal H5N1 bird flu virus to make it capable of respiratory transmission between ferrets, the U.S. government was caught flat-footed on how to proceed with this potentially dangerous research. This week, a S... More
  • Tapping the oil reserve is bad policy
    Mar 9, 2012  - By. F. James Sensenbrenner Congress created the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in 1975 to respond to “severe energy supply interruptions.” The president is authorized to tap into it if an emergency of significant scope and duration threatens to cause a price increase that is likely to have a major adv... More
  • On ethanol, don’t bend to 'politics before science'
    Feb 7, 2012  - On ethanol, don’t bend to 'politics before science' By Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) - 02/07/12 10:42 AM ET In our nation’s attempt to reduce dependence on foreign oil, we must be careful not to increase our reliance on politically-favored fuels that cause more problems than they solve. While thi... More
  • Journal Sentinel Op/Ed: End the Campaign, Get to Work
    Oct 14, 2011  - By F. James Sensenbrenner The President has asked Republicans who oppose his $447 billion jobs proposal to, “explain to me, but more importantly to their constituencies and the American people, why they're opposed, and what would they do.” Well, with all due respect, Mr. President, we did that, wee... More
  • European tax on American travel
    Aug 12, 2011  - European tax on American travel By Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner While Republicans have been fighting new taxes in Washington, Americans may face a new tax from an unlikely source - the European Union (EU). Beginning Jan. 1, 2012, the EU will extend its cap-and-trade system (aka cap-and-tax) to all a... More
  • The EPA's out-of-touch agenda
    Jul 26, 2011  - The EPA's out-touch-agenda By F. James Sensenbrenner 7/26/2011 As the House debates and votes on appropriations for the Department of the Interior, much of the focus will be on the Environmental Protectio... More