News List

  • Stop the Tax Hike
    Aug 1, 2012  - Today the House will vote to stop the tax hike looming at the end of the year. President Obama and some Democrats are calling for higher taxes on some Americans and small businesses. Here is why it's important to stop all tax rates from going up on January 1, 2013: More
  • Press Release: Sensenbrenner Votes to Stop Tax Hikes
    Aug 1, 2012  - Congressman Sensenbrenner (R-WI) voted today to stop at tax hike from hitting Wisconsin families and small businesses. The House passed H.R. 8 to block all tax increases scheduled for the end of the year. The House is also expected to consider legislation, H.R. 6169, the Pathway to Job Creation thro... More
  • Hot Topic: Red Tape Reformation
    Jul 27, 2012  - Government regulations can be important and necessary tools. But the Washington Regulation Machine is out of control. The House voted on a legislative package that would reform our regulation system so that it stops working against small businesses, streamlines the process and considers a cost-bene... More
  • This Tax Day, An Opportunity to Encourage Job Creation
    Apr 17, 2012  - On the week of Tax Day, the President and many Congressional Democrats are pushing a new tax on investment and income of high earners, called the Buffett Rule. This new tax is nothing more than a distraction from the President’s failed economic record and will do nothing to put Americans back to wor... More
  • Sensenbrenner Receives Chamber of Commerce Spirite of Enterprise Award
    Mar 29, 2012  - Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) today received the Chamber of Commerce Spirit of Enterprise Award for his support of pro-growth policies in 2011. “I am honored to receive this award on behalf of hard-working and entrepreneurial Americans, who when given the opportunity to innovate and succeed, ... More
  • Sensenbrenner Blasts Administration's Decision to Reject Keystone Pipeline
    Jan 18, 2012  - “President Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline puts politics over job creation. I am outraged that the Administration would so blatantly pander to their political base at the expense of creating tens of thousands of jobs and increasing our energy security.” “The Keystone XL pipeline,... More
  • Statement on Tax Holiday Deal
    Dec 22, 2011  - Congressman Sensenbrenner released this statement regarding the announcement that the House and Senate have reached an agreement on the payroll tax holiday: “While I still support a year-long extension, I am happy to hear that that Speaker Boehner and Senator Reid have come to an agreement on the pa... More
  • Statement on Payroll Tax Vote
    Dec 20, 2011  - Following the House vote to go to conference on the payroll tax bill, Congressman Sensenbrenner called on the Senate to return to Washington to work out differences between the House and Senate-passed bills to provide certainty to hard-working Americans. “Job creators in my district told me they nee... More
  • Sensenbrenner, Huizenga, Maloney, Frank Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Increase Private Sector Competition For Government Contracts
    Dec 13, 2011  - Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, WI-05, along with Bill Huizenga, MI-02, Reps. Carolyn Maloney, NY-14, and Barney Frank, MA-04 announce legislation that will once again allow local job creators - especially manufacturers and service industries - to compete on equal footing for contrac... More
  • Sensenbrenner Supports Bill to Protect Small Businesses from Burdensome Regulations
    Dec 1, 2011  - Today the House passed H.R. 527, the Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act, which will reduce the burden of regulations on small business, a concern raised during Congressman Sensenbrenner’s Job Creators Roundtable. “When I held a Job Creators Roundtable in November, small business owners told me ... More