News List

  • Reality Check: Two-Year Anniversary of Obama's Health Care Law No Celebration
    Mar 23, 2012  - Graphic: your new health care system under President' health care law: The two-year anniversary of the President’s health care law is certainly no celebration for America’s seniors, job creators, or families. Let’s compare some of the promises President Obama and his Democratic supporters in Congres... More
  • Obamacare Unravels
    Feb 2, 2012  - This week the House repealed an unsustainable entitlement called the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) program, which was created to offset the costs of Obamacare. Its repeal is a victory for those of us seeking to dismantle the fiscal quagmire of President Obama’s health car... More
  • Sensenbrenner Supports Working Parents – Introduces Bill to Benefit Them
    Feb 11, 2011  - Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) introduced The Working Parents Tax Relief Act, today, which would provide additional tax relief to working individuals who depend on child care or adult care to help take care of their loved ones. Working families with child or adult care expenses can already rec... More
  • An Unconstitutional Mandate
    Feb 4, 2011  - This week in Florida, U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson declared the new health care law unconstitutional. In his ruling, he said that the individual mandate section – the law’s requirement that everyone must carry insurance or pay a fee – “is outside Congress' Commerce Clause power, and it cannot be... More
  • Repealing Health Care
    Jan 20, 2011  - This week, the House voted to repeal the health care law. If you recall, this was the approximately 2,000 page piece of legislation that was voted on almost one year ago with no Republican input, and had many of us questioning whether mandating that citizens purchase health insurance was even consti... More
  • Creating Paperwork, Raising Costs, and Destroying Jobs
    Sep 24, 2010  - Buried in the 1900 pages of the healthcare bill is a little-known provision that will create a tax reporting nightmare for business owners, especially small companies. This provision is a vast expansion of the form 1099 tax reporting requirement. Under current law, information reporting is required ... More
  • Sensenbrenner Opposes Tax Dollars Funding Obamacare Abortions
    Jul 14, 2010  - Please see the below statement by Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) on reports that the Department of Health & Human Services is providing the state of Pennsylvania $160 million to set up a new high-risk insurance pool program that would cover any abortion legal in the state. “The ‘do as I say, n... More
  • Is Obamacare Constitutional?
    May 17, 2010  - On Tuesday, May 11, I spoke on a panel at the National Press Club titled: “Is Obamacare Constitutional?” In my opinion, and the opinion of many others, Obamacare is not constitutional and it is only a matter of time before the Supreme Court strikes it down. At one of my Town Hall Meetings earlier th... More
  • Sensenbrenner Speaks at National Press Club on Constitutionality of Obamacare
    May 11, 2010  - Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) spoke at the National Press Club today on a panel organized by the group Judicial Watch entitled: “Is Obamacare Constitutional?” The other panel member was Randy E. Barnett, Professor of Constitutional Law at Georgetown University Law Center, and the event was mo... More
  • Buyer Beware
    Apr 8, 2010  - Jobs must be the number one focus in 2010…at least that’s what President Obama said in his State of the Union last January. Given that we’ve lost nearly 4 million jobs since the stimulus was signed, but spent nearly $1 trillion on healthcare, the priorities of this Administration seem to suggest oth... More