News List

  • Supports Balanced Budget Amendment
    Nov 18, 2011  - “I have heard from job creators in my district that they are desperate for some indication that Washington takes our debt crisis seriously. If we want to give job creators certainty for the future, and encourage them to expand and grow, we must rein in out-of-control spending. “My colleagues across ... More
  • Sensenbrenner Supports Bill to Repeal New Entitlements, Exceed Super Committee Goal
    Oct 31, 2011  - Congressman Sensenbrenner issued this statement in support of H.R. 3243, the Common Sense Deficit Reduction Act, which would exceed the Joint Select Committee’s required $1.2 trillion deficit reduction goal by repealing Obamacare’s new entitlement programs: “It should be eye-opening that we could si... More
  • Dealing with our Debt
    Aug 2, 2011  - I supported the Budget Control Act, a bipartisan bill which passed both the House and the Senate, because I believe this legislation is an important step to change the direction of Washington. While not perfect, this bill will save taxpayers trillions of dollars and avoid a default on our nation’s b... More
  • Sensenbrenner Supports Budget Control Act
    Aug 1, 2011  - “Today I voted in support of the Budget Control Act because I believe this bill is an important step to change the direction of Washington. With bipartisan support, this bill will save taxpayers trillions of dollars and start to put our nation on a fiscally-sustainable path. I am encouraged that Con... More
  • Congressman Sensenbrenner Supports Budget Control Act
    Jul 29, 2011  - Please see this statement from Congressman Sensenbrenner in support of the Budget Control Act and regarding the ongoing negotiations to raise the debt limit. “House Republicans have put forth serious solutions to preserve our nation’s credit rating and give certainty to the economy. Today, we passed... More
  • Floor Statement in Support of Cut, Cap, and Balance
    Jul 19, 2011  - "Instead of applying for new credit cards, we need to cut up the ones we already have. I have long argued that our spending practices in Washington are unsustainable, and have routinely voted against spending measures in Democratic and Republican-led Congresses that have contributed to the crisis we... More
  • Break the Cycle with a Balanced Budget Amendment
    Jun 17, 2011  - Since 1960, the federal government has only passed an annual balanced budget an astonishing six times. As a result, our national debt is 14 trillion dollars and the federal government currently borrows 42 cents on every dollar. There is not a business or family that could sustain that amount of borr... More
  • Sensenbrenner Joins over 100 Members to Call for Spending Cuts and Reforms in Response to Debt Crisis
    Jun 6, 2011  - Today, Congressman Sensenbrenner joined over 100 Representatives in signing a letter to Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor, expressing that they will not support an increase to the debt limit without substantial spending cuts and reforms. Please see this statement below: “In the ne... More
  • Sensenbrenner Statement on Debt Ceiling Vote
    May 31, 2011  - Congressman Sensenbrenner issued this statement after the House overwhelmingly rejected an unconditional increase in the debt limit by a vote of 318 to 97. “President Obama and Washington Democrats showed their true colors on spending by calling to increase the debt limit without enacting any signif... More