Press Releases

Appropriations Subcommittee Vice Chairs Named

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Washington, Jan 31 -

House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers today announced the Republicans Members who will serve as Vice Chairs of the 12 Appropriations subcommittees for the 113th Congress. These Members will serve as Chair of the subcommittee in the absence of the Chairperson, and assist them in official Committee duties.

“The Committee’s Vice Chairs are a group of committed, knowledgeable Members, each with a deep understanding of the Appropriations process and a desire to get our federal budgets back into balance,” Chairman Rogers said. “I expect they will serve capably and dutifully, playing a very important role in what will be a challenging but hopefully fruitful Appropriations year.”

The Subcommittee Vice Chairs are as follows:

Agriculture: Kevin Yoder, Kansas

Commerce, Justice, Science: Jo Bonner, Alabama

Defense: Rodney Frelinghuysen, New Jersey

Financial Services: Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida

Energy and Water: Alan Nunnelee, Mississippi

Homeland Security: John Culberson, Texas

Interior and Environment: Ken Calvert, California

Labor, Health and Human Services, Education: Rodney Alexander, Louisiana

Legislative Branch: C.W. Bill Young, Florida

Military Construction and Veterans Affairs: John Carter, Texas

State and Foreign Operations: Charles Dent, Pennsylvania

Transportation, Housing and Urban Development: Tom Cole, Oklahoma



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