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Vegetables and Melons Outlook: April 2002

by Gary Lucier and Charles Plummer

Outlook No. (VGS-290) 51 pp, April 2002

According to preliminary ERS estimates, per capita vegetable and melon use (consumption) declined 1 percent in 2001 to 448 pounds. Fresh-market use (excluding potatoes) was unchanged at 173 pounds while freezing (down 1 percent) and canning (down 3 percent) use were lower. Per capita use of potatoes, the largest vegetable category, increased 1 percent to 140 pounds, reflecting lower prices stemming from the record-large 2000 fall potato crop. The forecast for 2002 suggests that per capita vegetable and melon use will rise 1 percent led by increased use of processing vegetables.

Keywords: vegetables, melons, potatoes, dry beans, dry peas, mushrooms, prices, productions, acreage, trade, per capita use, consumption

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Last updated: Sunday, May 27, 2012

For more information contact: Gary Lucier and Charles Plummer