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Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook, November 2007

by Susan Pollack and Agnes Perez

Outlook No. (FTS-330) 22 pp, November 2007

The index of prices received by fruit and nut growers dropped below last year’s indices in June and has remained lower each month through October. Fresh orange, grapefruit, and apple grower prices were lower for September and October 2007 compared with the same time last year, but fresh lemon prices were higher. On the other hand, the Consumer Price Index for fresh fruit rose this September and October over last year, with higher prices for fresh lemons and bananas.

Keywords: Production; acreage; yield per acre; grower price; consumption; import; exports; apples; grapes; pears; cranberries; fresh market; processing; tree nuts; citrus; economics

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Last updated: Sunday, June 03, 2012

For more information contact: Susan Pollack and Agnes Perez