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U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: Who, What, Where, and How Much

by Biing-Hwan Lin, Jane E. Allshouse , and Gary Lucier

Agriculture Information Bulletin No. (AIB-792-2) November 2004

For good health, USDA urges American consumers to eat more fruits and vegetables-5 to 9 servings per day-and to choose a healthier, more varied mix of these foods. The variety of produce available to Americans has blossomed in recent years, but are consumers responding? The first step in determining this is to ask who eats what, where, and how much. Since 2000, ERS has been analyzing data from national USDA food consumption surveys, and we are ready to share some highlights.

Keywords: Fruits, Vegetables, food consumption trends, food costs, food expenditures, food assistance programs, CSFII

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See other reports in the Understanding Fruit and Vegetable Choices—Research Briefs series.

Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

For more information contact: Biing-Hwan Lin, Jane E. Allshouse , and Gary Lucier