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PB 700-98-6



November-December Cover


Lift Missions in Bosnia—Major Thomas C. Keith

Measuring Joint Theater Distribution—Major M. Barbara Pepper, Royal Australian Army

Enhancing the Survivability of the 21st-Century Land Warrior—Lieutenant Commander Tony Davidson, Royal Australian Army

Institutionalizing Contractors on the Battlefield—Joe A. Fortner and Ron Jaeckle

Contractors on the Battlefield: What Doctrine Says and Doesn't Say—Major James E. Althouse

A Unique Unit With a Unique Challenge—Chief Warrant Officer (W-3) Paul Hodson

EAGLE—Improving National Guard Logistics—Colonel Charles M. Bechtel, PAARNG

Sharing Environmental Information in the National Guard—Major Patrick T. Dye, TXARNG

The Chemical Warfare Service Prepares for World War II—Dr. Burton Wright III

Knowledge-Based Logistics—Captain Curtis D. Taylor

Training the Force XXI Multicapable Mechanic—Major Diana E. Lizotte

ULLS Gunnery—Major Brian K. Vaught and Captain Gerhard Schröter

Using Bar-Code Technology With ULLS—Captain Douglas S. Sutter

Arctic Maintenance Battle Drills—Captain Michael A. Baumeister

Distribution Management Field Studies Program—Thomas A. Reichert