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Joint Logistics—Shaping Our Future: A Personal Perspective
—Lieutenant General C.V. Christianson
Improving Situational Awareness in the Division Logistics Command Post —Major James E.P. Miller
The Role of UMOs and TC­AIMS Operators in Deployments
—Major Michael E. Scarlett, Jr., Sergeant First Class Chester W. Montgomery, and Bobby L. Roberson
Protecting Civilian Logisticians on the Battlefield
—Major Richard J. Hornstein
Advancing Aviation Depot Capability Forward on the Battlefield
—Lieutenant Colonel Mark A. Van Dyke, CAARNG
Insensitive Munitions Testing: Protecting Ourselves From Our Ammunition —Robert M. Forrester and Kendal M. Duncan
Combat Vehicle Evaluation—Louis J. Gorenc
The Keys to a Successful Combat Logistics Patrol
—Lieutenant Colonel Frederick V. Godfrey
Tracking Sensitive Item Maintenance—Terence Lee Brooks
Manila as a Logistics Center
—Lieutenant Colonel John W. Whitman, USA (Ret.)
Workplace Change and Worker Fears—Dr. Craig C. Kuriger
Reducing Solid Waste in Contingency Operations
—Stephen D. Stouter, Joseph Bost, and James F. Lee