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To help the Hospital Commander provide the best possible care to all beneficiaries, please report any care problems or concerns to the Office Manager (OM), the Noncommissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC) or contact the Patient Advocate Office.

Patient Advocate - 558 2389/2390 rachpatrep@amedd.army.mil

As a Patient, You Have The Right To:

Medical Care. You have the right to quality care and treatment consistent with accepted standards and without discrimination. You also have the right to seek a second opinion concerning any aspect of your treatment. You have the right to express spiritual beliefs and cultural practices that do not harm others and to actively participate with healthcare providers in the development of your treatment plan.

Respectful Treatment.You have the right to considerate and respectful care with recognition of personal dignity and to participate in the discussion of ethical issues surrounding your care.

Privacy and Confidentiality. You have the right, within law and military regulations, to privacy and confidentiality concerning medical care.

Identity and Information. You have the right to know at all times the identity and professional credentials of healthcare personnel, as well as the name of the healthcare provider primarily responsible for your care. You have the right to receive information about health plan options, providers and facilities, so you can make informed health care decisions.

Explanation of Care You have the right to an explanation concerning your diagnosis, treatment, procedures, and prognosis of illness in language you can understand. When it is appropriate, information will be provided to next of kin or person you have designated.

Informed Consent. You have the right to the information necessary to enable you to make decisions about your care to include refusal of care if you wish.

Safe Environment. You have the right to care and treatment in a safe environment.

Hospital Rules and Regulations. You have the right to be informed of the rules and regulations of the hospital that relate to your conduct and that of your visitors. Reynolds has a no smoking policy. You can expect compliance with that policy from all. You are entitled to information about the hospital’s procedure for resolving patient problems and concerns. You have the right, within published rules and regulations, to access information contained in your medical record.

Charges. You have the right to an explanation of charges related to your health care.

End of Life Care. You have the right to direct the healthcare team on the extent of care you wish to receive. This is done through advance directives and communication with the healthcare team. Should you become unable to provide direction due to serious illness, you have the right to have your care directed and determined by your own advance directive, or by your designated decision-maker.

Issues/Concerns.You have the right, without recrimination, to voice concerns regarding your care and to have those issues reviewed and resolved. This can be accomplished by speaking with the unit or clinic officer in charge (OIC), the noncommissioned officer in charge (NCOIC) or by contacting the Patient Representative Office.

Management of Pain.You have the right to appropriate evaluation and the management of your pain.

Communication. You have the right to access people outside the hospital by means of visitation or verbal and written communication.  Access to an interpreter when language barriers are a problem.  All patients have the right to expect unrestricted access to all forms of communication.  However, if it is ever necessary to restrict visitors, mail, telephone calls, and/or other forms of communication as a component part of the patients care (for example, to prevent injury or deterioration in the patient, damage to the environment, or infringement on the rights of others) the following will be adhered to before any restriction is determined:  (1)  The patient will be included in all such decisions (2) any restriction will be explained ensuring the patient understands the restriction (3)  any restriction will be determined with the participation of the patient and family (4)  communication restrictions will be evaluated for the patient’s therapeutic effectiveness (5) For an unemancipated minor patient, or patient under guardianship, law determines who is legally entrusted to act in the patient’s best interest and (6) clinical justification of restrictions will be fully documented in the patient’s records.

As a Patient, Your Responsibilities Are To:

Provide Information. You should provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about medical complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to your health. You have the responsibility to let your healthcare providers know whether you understand your treatment and what is expected of you.

Respect and Considerate. Be considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital staff. You are responsible to respect staff, property of other persons and the facility.

Follow the Medical Plan. Follow your treatment plan, including follow-up care recommended by your healthcare providers. This includes keeping appointments on time and notifying the hospital when appointments cannot be kept. You are in partnership with your healthcare team and are a major contributor to your well being and state of health.

Medical Records. When transporting your medical records, ensure the prompt return of your records to the hospital. All military medical records are the property of the U. S. Government.

Hospital Rules and Regulations. Please follow all hospital rules and regulations.

Charges. You are responsible for the prompt payment of all charges related to your health care.

Report Issues. To help the Hospital Commander provide the best possible care to all beneficiaries, please report any care problems or concerns to the unit officer in charge (OIC), the noncommissioned officer in charge (NCOIC) or contact the Patient Representative Office.

Pain Management. You are responsible to ask your doctor or nurse what to expect regarding pain and pain management. You should ask for pain relief when pain first begins and discuss relief options. You need to help the medical staff evaluate your pain.

Reynolds Army Community Hospital

Click here to download the RACH Patients Rights Flier 2010, in Adobe PDF format.

Click here to download this page in Adobe PDF format.

4301 Wilson Street Fort Sill, Oklahoma 73503-78 | Phone: (580) 558-2800 or 558-2801 |

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This Web site provides information about Reynolds Army Community Hospital at Fort Sill, Oklahoma and it's subsidiary clinics.
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