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The Genomic Science Program is in the DOE Office of Science Biological and Environmental Research Program.

Grand Challenges for Biological and Environmental Research: A Long-Term Vision

Research Challenges Outlined for the Department of Energy’s Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) Including Genomics

BER’s advisory committee hosted the Grand Challenges Workshop in March 2010. The goal was to identify opportunities for BER science in the coming decades and to develop an overall strategy for drafting a long-term vision for BER. This report outlines the workshop’s findings, laying out research challenges in:

  • biological systems
  • climate
  • energy sustainability
  • computing
  • education and workforce training

Achieving these challenges will provide the scientific evidence and predictive understanding needed to inform decision making and planning to address future energy needs, climate change, water availability, and land use. Several cross-cutting science themes—including complex systems science across scales, multidisciplinary research, computing and mathematics, and human impacts—emerged during the workshop and are highlighted throughout this report.

Download full document (PDF)

Publication date: December 2010

Suggested citation for this report:  BERAC. 2010. Grand Challenges for Biological and Environmental Research: A Long-Term Vision; A Report from the Biological and Environmental Research Advisory Committee March 2010 Workshop, BERAC Steering Committee on Grand Research Challenges for Biological and Environmental Research (

Now Featuring

BER Advisory Committee Long-Term Vision Report [12/10]

BER Program Overview [12/12]



Genomic Science-Related BER Research Highlights