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Heatmap   Kmeans clustering

Purpose: A heatmap is a graphical way of displaying a table of numbers by using colors to represent numerical values. Kmeans clustering is performed by clustering the rows and columns by bootstrapping and/or noise data. For more details see the Heatmap Kmeans Explanation.


Paste your data here

[Sample Input]
Or upload a data file
Use log transformation? Natural  Base10  No transformation
Use threshold value? No   Below threshold value: Above threshold value:
Output format options Cluster
Clustering: Rows only  Columns only  Both
Number of clusters:   Row   Column
Cluster support threshold: use default   set %
Higher values: High intensity color   Low intensity color
Number of colors:
Color key ranges:
Margins Label sizes
   Bottom:   Right:    Row:   Column:
# of resamplings (iterations applied to bootstrapping and/or noise data)
Cluster heatmap by bootstrapping   and/or   noise data (if checked, provide noise data below)

Paste your noise data here

[Sample Noise Input]
Or upload noise data file

This web site was sponsored in part by the Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery through the CA-VIMC, PI David Montefiori



We thank the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their support of the
Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery (CAVD) - a component of the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery (CAVD) The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise

last modified: Mon Jul 16 12:31 2012

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