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Health & Other Basic Services

A health worker carries medical supplies

Photo Copyright:Kendra Helmer/USAID

Even before the earthquake devastated Haiti, the health care network was incapable of meeting basic primary care needs for all Haitians, and access to specialized care was extremely limited.  Through USAID and with funding from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the USG is building partnerships to provide integrated prevention, care, and treatment programs for HIV-AIDs and support orphans and vulnerable children.  USAID and CDC are constructing, renovating and equipping important health facilities, especially in new settlements for those displaced by the earthquake.

Health activities also include training health workers; assisting the Haitian Government’s efforts to strengthen the national health care system, including disease surveillance; improving care for persons with disabilities; and ensuring that community-based health and prevention activities are in place.  We are also working to increase the capacity of the Ministry of Health, so that it can provide basic services, including those related to tuberculosis, maternal and child health, family planning and reproductive health, and nutrition.  We are also continuing to treat those infected by cholera and reduce its spread using public information campaigns promoting simple practices, such as hand-washing, which prevent transmission.


  • Health Program for the Development and Stability of Haiti (SDSH/Pwoje Djanm):  Increase access to and use of basic health services for approximately 50% of Haitian population through support to approximately 150 public and non-governmental organization sites located in all 10 of Haiti’s departments.
    ( For more information, see fact sheet : PDF, 142K)
  • MEASURE Evaluation Phase III:  Increase user demand for data and tools; increase individual and institutional capacity in monitoring and evaluation; increase collaboration and coordination in obtaining and sharing health sector data; improve tools, methodologies, and technical guidance; increase availability of data, methods, and tools; increase facilitation of data use.
    ( For more information, see fact sheet : PDF, 106K)
  • PROMARK Haiti (Strengthening and Expanding Social Marketing in Haiti):  Reinforce social marketing as viable strategy for improving health of Haitian people, with particular focus on expanding access to health products and information in rural communities outside of Port-au-Prince.
    ( For more information, see fact sheet : PDF, 262K)
  • Community Health and AIDS Mitigation Project (CHAMP):  Increase organizational, technical, and leadership capacity of health sector; expand availability, accessibility, and use of integrated care and support services; target persons living with HIV/AIDS, orphans and vulnerable children, and other vulnerable families.
    ( For more information, see fact sheet : PDF, 128K)
  • Supply Chain Management System (SCMS):  Establish and operate a safe, secure, reliable, and sustainable supply chain to procure, manage, and distribute pharmaceuticals and other products needed to provide care and treatment of persons with HIV/AIDS and other related infections.
    ( For more information, see fact sheet : PDF, 255K)
  • Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance II Project (FANTA-2):  Facilitate a coordinated and integrated approach to implementation of nutrition, food, HIV activities in Haiti; strengthen the integration of nutritional care and support into HIV care and treatment services; strengthen the capacity of Ministry of Health and U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
    ( For more information, see fact sheet : PDF, 238K)
  • Leadership, Management, and Sustainability Program (LMS/Haiti):  Strengthen local capacity to manage the supply chain of USAID-donated condoms and family planning commodities; strengthen capacity of the Ministry of Health’s Family Planning Program to manage commodity logistics and provide quality family planning services at major public health sector hospitals; strengthen capacity and leadership of Ministry of Health to plan, supervise, and coordinate community mobilization activities for HIV/AIDS and other programs, with a particular focus on regional health department level; implement leadership training and capacity building tools of LMS/Haiti program to strengthen local non-governmental organization and public sector partners.
    ( For more information, see fact sheet : PDF, 125K)
  • AIDS Prevention Communication (PrevSIDA):  Increase understanding of patterns and settings of risky sexual behavior; increase risk assessment, condom use, condom availability; increase access to HIV, health, and other services.
    ( For more information, see fact sheet : PDF, 273K)
  • MEASURE Demographic Health Survey (DHS):  Improve the collection, analysis, and presentation of data and promote better use in planning, policymaking, managing, monitoring, and evaluating population, health, and nutrition programs.
    ( For more information, see fact sheet : PDF, 238K)
  • Health Program to Reduce and Control Contagious Diseases in Haiti’s Prisons:  Reduce mortality and prevent the spread of Infectious diseases, particularly cholera, HIV/AIDS and TB through adequate diagnosis and treatment. 
  • Support for and Empowerment of Vulnerable Women in High-Risk Environments: Strengthen and expand gender-based violence programs.  
    ( For more information, see fact sheet : PDF,173 K)  
  • Neglected Tropical Diseases:  Prevent and control neglected tropical diseases.  
    ( For more information, see fact sheet : PDF, 167K)

Read more about our health programs: 

On Friday, November 4, 2011, USAID met with its current contractors and recipients implementing health development assistance in Haiti to share information.  Presentations from this meeting can be found at:”

Other Basic Services:  Disabilities

The USG funded a number of initiatives following the earthquake to support people with disabilities.  More information on these projects can be found here:   


  • The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Norway, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Grand Challenges Canada invite global problem solvers to answer their second call for innovative solutions to dramatically reduce maternal and newborn deaths and stillbirths.  For additional information, please go here:<http://savinglivesatbirth.net/.
  • To support promising new approaches in the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene sector, USAID's Development Innovation Ventures, with co-funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has launched WASH for Life (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Life).   DIV will utilize this $17 million partnership to identify, test, and transition to scale promising approaches to achieving cost-effective, sustained, scalable water, sanitation, and health (WASH) services in developing countries.  Additional information can be found here:  http://idea.usaid.gov/div/wash-life


  • Nutrition Security Program:  The U.S. Government (USG) Post-Earthquake Strategy in Haiti follows the Government of Haiti’s Action Plan For National Recovery and Development of Haiti, complements the international community’s efforts in Haiti, and targets sectors in which we can add the most value. Through USAID and our other USG partners, the USG is supporting four essential pillars of Haiti’s development, one of which is health and other basic services. Feed the Future is the United States Government's global hunger and food security initiative. It supports country-driven approaches to address the root causes of hunger and poverty and forge long-term solutions to chronic food insecurity and under-nutrition. Drawing upon resources and expertise of agencies across the U.S. Government, this Presidential Initiative is helping countries transform their own agriculture sectors to grow enough food sustainably to feed their people. To support this effort the U.S. Agency for International Development is requesting applications from qualified organizations to implement the Improving Nutrition Outcomes Program. One or More Cooperative Agreements may be awarded. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Haiti expects the implementer to achieve the following results: 1) To reduce the prevalence of underweight among children under five (5) years of age over the next three years in target regions. 2) To reduce the prevalence of anemia of women over the next three years in target regions.  Click here to read more.

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Last Updated on: November 05, 2012