Congressman Randy Forbes | Washington Update
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Week of May 3 - 7, 2010 Twitter Facebook YouTube Digg RSS
Showing Support for Our Nation's POW/MIA Veterans

Congressman Forbes announced that he will ride at the head of the 23rd Annual Rolling Thunder Memorial Day “Ride for Freedom” demonstration with the Rolling Thunder National group on Memorial Day Weekend. In addition, he will speak in support of POWs/MIA and veterans issues. Forbes was invited to participate in the events by Rolling Thunder for his commitment and work on veterans’ issues in Congress.

Reaffirming Our National Motto

Congressman Forbes introduced H.Con.Res.274, a bipartisan resolution reaffirming ‘In God We Trust’ as the national motto and supporting and encouraging the public display of the national motto in all public buildings, public schools, and other government institutions.

Improving Math and Science Education in America

Congressman Forbes cosponsored and voted to support a resolution recognizing the need to improve the performance of America's students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields, and supporting the ideals of National Lab Day (H.Res.1213). According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs requiring science, engineering or technical training will increase 24 percent between 2004 and 2014 to 6.3 million. However, less than one-third of U.S. 8th-grade students performed at or above a level called “proficient” in mathematics.
This resolution passed the House by a vote of 378-2.

Honored those who constructed the USS New Mexico. Congressman Forbes cosponsored legislation (H.Res.1132) to honor the individuals and organizations that contributed to the construction of the USS New Mexico (SSN 779), which is one of the most advanced submarines in U.S. Navy history.
This resolution passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 378-1.

Expressed support for the United States Marine Corps. Congressman Forbes supported legislation (H.R.24) to rename the Department of the Navy to the Department of the Navy and Marine Corps.
The bill passed the House of Representatives by voice vote.


Eliminating special healthcare privileges for senior Congressional staff.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Close the Congressional Health Care Loophole Act (H.R.4982), which would require that all Legislative Branch employees receive their healthcare coverage through new exchanges.  As written, the healthcare bill that was signed into law applies only to Members of Congress and personal staff.  It does not apply to congressional committee and leadership staff that helped pen the legislation.


Opposed taxpayer-funded rebates for home remodeling and appliance purchases.  Congressman Forbes voted to oppose the Home Star Energy Retrofit Act of 2010 (H.R.5019), which would spend $6.6 billion in taxpayer money to provide rebates to contractors for energy-efficient remodeling on existing homes.  Contractors would then give discounts to consumers for the retrofits.  Charged with implementation of the program, the Department of Energy (DOE) does not have a good track record with similar efforts.  For example, DOE was awarded $4.7 billion under the stimulus bill in weatherization grants, but less than 10% of those funds have been used for weatherization purposes.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 246-161.

Family Values

Observed the National Day of Prayer. Congressman Forbes, Founder and Chairman of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, attended the 59th Annual National Day of Prayer service on Capitol Hill.


Granted Haitian goods greater access to U.S. markets. Congressman Forbes supported the Haiti Economic Lift Program Act of 2010 (H.R.5160), which will expand duty-free access for certain Haitian goods to U.S. markets in order to help the Haitian textile industry recover in the wake of the devastating earthquake earlier this year.
This bill passed the House by voice vote.

Government Reform

Opposed wasteful government spending and inefficiency.  Congressman Forbes voted against the Telework Improvements Act (H.R.1722), which would allow federal employees to “telework” from home one day a week and would cost American taxpayers $30 million over five years.
This bill failed to pass the House by a vote of 268-147. 

Science and Technology
Honored the National Science Foundation.  Congressman Forbes supported a resolution (H.Res.1307) honoring the National Science Foundation for 60 years of service to the nation.
This resolution passed the House by voice vote.

Recognized the 50th anniversary of the launching of the TIROS I satellite.  Congressman Forbes supported a resolution recognizing the 50th anniversary of the United States Television Infrared Observation Satellite, the world's first meteorological satellite (H.Res.1231).
This resolution passed the House by voice vote.

Commemorated the 400th anniversary of the first use of the telescope by Galileo Galilei.  Congressman Forbes supported a resolution recognizing the first use of the telescope for astronomical observation by the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei (H.Res.1269).
This resolution passed the House by voice vote.

About Washington Update
Washington Update serves as a resource to the constituents of the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia on the work of Congressman Forbes. It is published weekly while Congress is in session. Hyperlinks to bill information are provided if the information disseminated by the House of Representatives is available at the time of distribution.

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