Congressman Randy Forbes | Washington Update
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Week of May 31 - June 3, 2011 Twitter Facebook YouTube Digg RSS
Voting Against Raising the Debt Limit Without Spending Cuts

Congressman Forbes voted against H.R.1954, a bill that would raise the nation’s $14.3 trillion debt limit an additional $2.4 trillion to $16.7 trillion---the amount needed to implement the President’s budget through the end of fiscal year 2012---without any significant cuts in the nation’s spending habits.  Congressman Forbes believes that the Administration must first agree to make real cuts and reforms to reduce the deficit before Congress can agree to raise the debt ceiling.  Failing to take action to cut current spending, restrict future spending, and improve federal budgeting will only worsen our nation’s fiscal condition.
This bill failed in the House by a vote of 97-318.

Providing Funding and Setting Priorities for Our Nation’s Homeland Security

Congressman Forbes supported a fiscally responsible appropriations bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security and protect the American people.  This bill, H.R.2017, maintains or increases funding for security programs while cutting the Administration’s request by over $2 billion by removing duplicative programs and administrative waste.  Congressman Forbes supported a number of policy provisions that contribute to the security of our borders, ensure communities have access to disaster relief, protect our nation’s first responders, and strengthen the protections of our transportation infrastructure.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 231-188.

Supporting Small Business Innovation

Congressman Forbes voted for S.1082, a bill that extends the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.  Through these two competitive programs, the Small Business Administration ensures that the nation's small, high-tech, innovative businesses are a significant part of the federal government's research and development efforts.  The development of SBIR and STTR programs are not only significant to the unique needs of each of the participating federal agencies, but also to our national economy. The SBIR and STTR programs are widely supported and recognized as one of the country’s most important engines of innovation. Importantly, the programs operate without any additional funding.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 387-33.
Armed Services 

Worked to guarantee pay for our military members.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Guarantee Paychecks for America’s Military Families Act, H.R.1551.  This bill would direct the Secretary of the Treasury to continue to make payments to military members and federal civilians working in combat zones in the event the government runs out of money to make all outstanding payments, or if there is a lapse in federal funding. This bill would establish the following payment priorities: (1)  Interest on the debt to prevent a technical default; (2)  Strictly uniformed military members wherever they are serving; and, (3) Military and civilian defense personnel serving in combat zones.  Military men and women should not have to worry about whether or not they will continue to receive their well-deserved paychecks, allowing their families at home to put food on the table.


Strengthened border security and the safety of America's ports.  Congressman Forbes voted for H.R.2017, which fully funds the current border security force of 21,370 border patrol agents (as compared to 12,349 in 2006) while funding border protection fencing and infrastructure improvements by $510 million.  A recent GAO report points out that the U.S. Border Patrol has less than 44 percent of the southwest border under operational control and less than two percent of the northern border under control.  This bill funds air and marine operations to fight illegal immigration and drug trafficking and ensures that our nation’s new and expanded ports of entry will receive new Customs and Border Protection officers for security inspections and enforcement.

Homeland Security

Worked to protect first responders.  Congressman Forbes fought to ensure that the funding for Firefighter Assistance Grants is maintained so that our nation’s first responders are provided the support they need in protecting the American people.  Congressman Forbes voted to support an amendment to H.R.2017 that increased funding for these grants by $320 million and gave the grant recipients the authority to re-hire first responders who have been laid off.  In so doing, Congressman Forbes stood up for our nation’s first responders to provide the support they need in protecting the American people.  Congressman Forbes also supported an amendment that removed a cap on the number of cities that are eligible for funds from the Urban Area Security Initiative.  The removal of this cap does not increase spending, but it does keep all of our nation’s urban areas eligible for federal aid in disaster mitigation planning and first responder training.

Enhanced disaster relief programs. Congressman Forbes also supported critical disaster relief programs in H.R.2017 by increasing Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Disaster Relief & Prevention Programs by 47% to $2.7 billion.  This funding will ensure that disaster assistance loans and the National Flood Mitigation Fund are fully funded.  Recent disasters in Virginia and around the country have demonstrated the great need for federal relief in adversely affected states and localities.  This legislation helps ensure that local officials have the resources they need to relieve citizens and rebuild cities and localities.


Invested in needed transportation security improvements.  In voting for H.R.2017, Congressman Forbes helped to make significant investments in our nation’s transportation security.  The bill provides $555 million for explosive detection equipment for screening airport baggage, $121 million for inspections of air cargo, and increases funding for federal air marshal programs.  Additionally, this bill substantially increases funding for surface transportation security, including $91 million for rail security inspectors.


Improved the appeals process at the Veterans Administration.  Congressman Forbes supported a bill, H.R.1484, that would improve the Veterans Administration's appeals process by requiring that appeals evidence be submitted directly to the national board rather than a regional office.  The bill would also establish a commission to conduct an evaluation and make decisions to improve the administration of the appeals process.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 419-1.

Recognized businesses that support veterans.  Congressman Forbes supported a bill, H.R.802, which would establish an annual award program to recognize businesses for their contributions and commitment to veterans’ employment. 
This bill passed the House by a vote of 408-11.

Welfare Reform

Promoted innovation in child welfare programs.  Congressman Forbes supported H.R.1194, a bill to Renew Authority for State Child Welfare Demonstration Programs.  This legislation authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services to approve projects designed to test innovative strategies in state child welfare programs.  The purpose of this bill is to promote programs that reduce barriers and delays to adoptive placements, as well as to provide early intervention and crisis intervention services.  By allowing innovation in the child welfare system, Congressman Forbes believes the United States can promote more efficient and effective methods to protect our children and improve their futures.
This bill passed the House by voice vote.

Family Values

Removed financial incentives for frivolous lawsuits targeting public expressions of religion. Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Public Expression of Religion Act, H.R.2023, which prohibits activist groups that target public expressions of religion from recovering legal fees when they successfully sue localities for violating the Establishment Clause. Currently, many state and local governments are coerced into settling these lawsuits, even if their public expressions of religion are constitutional.  This is due to the fear that if they lose at any stage in the case, they will have to pay their opponents’ legal fees. The bill would modify the law so that each side pays its own attorney fees, removing the monetary incentive that activist groups have in bringing these types of cases, and reducing the likelihood that localities will halt constitutionally permissible activity because of intimidation.

About Washington Update
Washington Update serves as a resource to the constituents of the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia on the work of Congressman Forbes. It is published weekly while Congress is in session. Hyperlinks to bill information are provided if the information disseminated by the House of Representatives is available at the time of distribution.

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