Congressman Randy Forbes | Washington Update
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Week of September 12-23, 2011 Twitter Facebook YouTube Digg RSS
414 Plan: A Strategy to Create Jobs and Build Roads & Bridges

Congressman Forbes introduced the 414 Plan, H.R. 2924, a bill that cuts through red-tape to expedite road and bridge construction, creating jobs and providing much needed improvements to our nation's aging infrastructure.  The 414 Plan seeks to mirror the process that allowed the efficient reconstruction of the Minneapolis bridge, which collapsed in 2007, by suspending for five years all federal regulations that do not pertain to the safety or durability of highway facilities, or of public and workplace safety.  The legislation gets rid of costly, outdated federal requirements, while continuing to give states and localities flexibility in utilizing federal funding for road and bridge projects.  It also expresses the sense of Congress on the need for greater interagency cooperation among project stakeholders to further expedite surface transportation projects.  To learn more about the 414 Plan, read Congressman Forbes' weekly column here.

Protecting Jobs from Government Interference

Congressman Forbes supported the Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act, H.R. 2587, to prevent the National Labor Relations Board  (NLRB) from issuing or seeking an order that rescinds any relocation, transfer, or other change regarding the location, entity or individuals engaged in production or other business operation, or to require any initial or additional investment at a particular plant, facility or location.  The NLRB recently filed a lawsuit against Boeing to prevent the employer and other manufacturing companies from locating facilities in right-to-work states, limiting job creation in states that do not force unionization.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 238-186.

Promoting Ethical Stem Cell Research

Congressman Forbes reintroduced the Patients First Act, H.R. 2951, to intensify research and human clinical trials using stem cells that are ethically obtained and that show evidence of providing near-term clinical benefit for human patients.  The Patients First Act prioritizes funding for promising stem cell research and would not authorize any new funding.  Additionally, the legislation would promote the creation of pluripotent stem cell lines without the creation, destruction, or discarding of human embryos.  Learn more about the Patients First Act here.

Regulatory Reform

Called on Secretary of Labor to rescind and revise new onerous regulations.  Congressman Forbes joined 47 other Members of Congress and Senators in sending a letter to Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis urging her to repeal and rescind a recent Department of Labor ruling that could result in drastic financial losses for employers throughout Virginia that employ seasonal workers.  Specifically, the proposed ruling would alter the H-2B visa program by increasing wage requirements above local market-based wages and creating untenable preconditions for hiring.  The H-2B program allows foreign nationals to enter the U.S. temporarily and engage in nonagricultural employment that is critical for Virginia business owners.  In order to secure an H-2B visa, employment must be seasonal in nature, based on a peak load need, or limited to a one-time occurrence.  H-2B visas provide employers the opportunity to stay economically vital at times when local labor is unavailable or when a specific need for additional labor would otherwise go unsatisfied.  Areas with seasonal influxes of population or business benefit greatly from the additional labor made available by the H-2B program.  In response to Congressman Forbes' letter, Secretary Solis has delayed the implementation of the rule for 60 days.  Nonetheless, Congressman Forbes will continue to work with his colleagues to rescind and repeal this unfair rule.  A copy of the letter is available here.

Supported transparency for the economic impacts of federal regulations.
  Congressman Forbes supported H.R. 2401, the Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation (TRAIN Act).  This legislation ensures that new federal regulations are analyzed for their economic impact to our nation’s energy and manufacturing industries.  At a time when millions of Americans are out of work, it is irresponsible to ignore the impact of federal regulations to our nation’s employers and the overall economy.  Additionally, this bill would temporarily postpone the implementation of certain proposed Environmental Protection Agency rules that would have forced electric plants to meet unreasonable emissions standards that, in many cases, could prove to be prohibitively expensive.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 249-160. 

Froze new federal regulations to get our nation back to work.
  Congressman Forbes cosponsored H.R. 2898, the Regulation Moratorium and Jobs Preservation Act of 2011.  This bill would prevent any federal agency from taking any new significant regulatory action until our country’s unemployment rate is equal or less than 7.7%.  In this unstable economic climate, it is essential that our nation’s employers have the ability plan for the future in a secure and unchanging regulatory environment.  Congressman Forbes joined 37 of his colleagues in the House of Representatives in working to get the federal government out of the way of our nation’s job creators.

Armed Services

Investigated Army Reserve and National Guard readiness. Congressman Forbes chaired a hearing on the House Armed Services Committee Readiness Subcommittee to assess the readiness challenges facing the Army Reserve, Army National Guard, and Air National Guard. You can watch the full hearing here.

Questioned the Navy on Mayport decision.
Congressman Forbes wrote a letter to the new Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert, expressing that at a time when the nation’s historic fiscal challenges require drastic cuts in federal spending, it is not fiscally responsible or strategically necessary to build expensive and redundant nuclear-support infrastructure for CVN homeporting when there are more cost-effective alternatives to sustain Mayport’s future as an operational base.  The letter was cosigned by Senator Jim Webb, Senator Mark Warner, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01), Congressman Scott Rigell (VA-02), and Congressman Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (VA-03). A copy of the signed letter sent to Admiral Greenert is available here.

Assessed the impact of defense cuts on job creators. 
Congressman Forbes held multiple meetings with key leaders in the defense industry to hear their concerns about the impact of large defense cuts on the economy, their businesses, and the jobs of thousands of highly skilled employees.  These job creators expressed concerns that, due to budgetary pressures, the Navy is considering retiring a number of cruisers and amphibious warships early as well as delaying or canceling the refueling of an aircraft carrier.  These types of decisions are dangerous for national security and result in a weaker industrial base that is less available to be called on when needed.

Visited shipyards in New Hampshire and Connecticut. 
Congressman Forbes led a delegation of members of the House Armed Services Committee to visit Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, NH and General Dynamics Electric Boat in Groton, CT.  During the visit, Congressman Forbes and other members of the delegation toured the facilities and held discussions with employees and leadership to hear their concerns regarding looming cuts to national defense.  Our nation’s shipyards are a vital strategic asset with a highly skilled workforce.  Sizeable defense cuts place this vital industry at risk.

Working toward a national military strategy to counter Iran. 
Congressman Forbes attended a briefing of the House Armed Services Committee on the nation’s military strategy to counter Iran.  The Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011, H.R. 6523, required the Secretary of Defense to develop this strategy and provide a briefing to Congress on the necessary resources and legal authority to accomplish the strategy.


Supported a short-term funding measure and cut wasteful spending.  Congressman Forbes supported the Continuing Appropriations Act, H.R.2608, to fund the federal government through November 18, 2011 at a rate of $1.043 trillion.  The bill also provides for $3.65 billion in disaster funding, with $1 billion immediately available and the remainder during fiscal year 2012.  The funding is offset by cutting $1.5 billion from "stimulus" programs, including $100 million from the fund that provided taxpayer dollars to the bankrupt solar-panel company Solyndra, which is under criminal and congressional investigation.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 219-203. 


Supported fairness in taxation. Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Mobile Workforce State Income Tax Simplification Act, H.R. 1864, to limit state taxation of the wages of any employee who performs duties in more than one state to: (1) the state of the employee's residence; and (2) the state in which the employee is present and performing employment duties for more than 30 days. In addition to filing federal and resident state income tax returns, employees may also be legally required to file an income tax return in every other state into which they traveled, even if they were there for a single day.  This bill would ensure that the correct amount of tax is withheld and paid to the states without the undue burden that the current system places on employees and employers.

Encouraged charitable donation of vehicles
. Congressman Forbes cosponsored a bill, H.R. 860, to encourage charitable vehicle donations.  The bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to promote charitable donations of qualified vehicles by allowing tax deductions based on fair market value up to $2,500 and requiring an appraisal over that threshold.


Supported job training programs to help alleviate unemployment. Congressman Forbes supported H.R. 2943, the Short-Term Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Act to ensure that needy families are provided the temporary assistance they need to pursue work opportunity programs, job training, and job assistance.  This bill extended the program through the end of this year at current spending levels in order to strike the proper balance between supporting those who seek to support themselves and ensuring fiscally responsible federal spending.
This bill passed the House by voice vote.

Veterans Affairs

Provided needed improvements to veterans' healthcare facilities.  Congressman Forbes supported the Veterans Health Care Facilities Capital Improvement Act of 2011, H.R. 2646.  This legislation provides authorization for needed improvements to a number of Veteran’s medical facilities across the country.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 412-3.

Supported Merchant Marine veterans of WWII. 
Congressman Forbes cosponsored the World War II Merchant Mariner Service Act, H.R. 1288.  This important legislation would allow the Veterans Administration to accept a wider array of documentation as proof of service.  Today, not many WWII Merchant Marines remain. But for those who do, this would not only provide them the benefits they deserve, but show them that our nation recognizes the sacrifices they made on behalf of all Americans

Honored the fallen heroes of 9/11.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Fallen Heroes of 9/11 Act, H.R. 2864, which would authorize the President, on behalf of Congress, to award a "Fallen Heroes of 9/11 Congressional Medal" to the Flight 93 memorial in Pennsylvania, the National 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York and the Pentagon Memorial.  The legislation allows the Secretary of the Treasury to design three distinct medals that honor the heroes of each of the three sites.  It also authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to sell duplicate medals to offset the cost of designing and producing the medals.


Extended the U.S. Parole Commission.  Congressman Forbes supported the United States Parole Commission Extension Act, H.R. 2944, to extend the authority of the U.S. Parole Commission through October 31, 2014.  The Commission is charged with granting or denying parole to federal prisoners. 
This bill passed the House by a vote of 415-0. 

Bolstered reporting requirements for jails and prisons
.  Congressman Forbes supported the Death in Custody Reporting Act, H.R. 2189, which requires states to report information regarding the deaths of any person who is detained, under arrest, or incarcerated in a jail or state operated prison or boot camp, to the Attorney General.   Failure to comply with this reporting requirement could result in a loss of funding.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 398-18.

Increased assistance for investigating mass shootings
.  Congressman Forbes supported the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act, H.R. 2076, which permits the Attorney General or the FBI to provide assistance to local law enforcement, when requested, for investigations of violent acts or shootings occurring at schools, colleges, universities, non-federal office buildings, malls and other public places.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 358-9. 

Clarified appeal time of cases involving the federal government or an agency
.  Congressman Forbes supported the Appeal Time Clarification Act, H.R. 2633, to clarify that the 60-day timeline for filing an appeal or motion for rehearing in a civil case applies to cases where one of the parties is the U.S. government or a federal agency.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 384-0. 

Opposed release of sensitive, personal information of judges
. Congressman Forbes supported a bill, H.R. 1059, to protect the safety of judges by extending the authority of the Judicial Conference to redact sensitive information contained in their financial disclosure reports. 
This bill passed the House by a vote of 384-0.


Opposed unfunded road sign mandates on states.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored H.R. 2257, a bill to address the Federal Highway Administration's new across-the-board deadlines that require individual localities to update and replace their road signs by 2015 and 2018.  This new unfunded mandate would require states to replace their road signs before the end of their natural lifecycle. This bill would waive the requirement that existing traffic signs be replaced before the compliance dates established by the Federal Highway Administration in order to allow local governments to meet the new standards when they replace signs at the end of their life cycle.


Called on the Administration to enforce immigration laws.  Congressman Forbes joined 74 other members of the Immigration Reform Caucus in sending a letter to President Obama in regard to the recent Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announcement to bypass Congress and use prosecutorial discretion to achieve amnesty for individuals who are illegally residing in the U.S. The letter calls the Administration to task for implementing a policy akin to amnesty whereby individuals that meet certain criteria, such as enrollment in four year colleges and clean criminal records, will not be prosecuted and deported. In response to this unilateral action by DHS, Congressman Forbes also cosponsored of the HALT Act, a bill to end any current or planned administrative actions that will result in mass legalization of illegal immigrants and that imply immigration laws should not be fully enforced.  A copy of the letter to President Obama is available here.

Supported workplace enforcement of immigration law. 
Congressman Forbes voted in the House Judiciary Committee to support the Legal Workforce Act, a bill that could open up millions of jobs for unemployed American workers by requiring all U.S. employers to use E-Verify.  Created 15 years ago, E-Verify allows employers to electronically verify that newly-hired employees are legally authorized to work in the United States.  Specifically, the Social Security numbers of new hires are checked against Social Security Administration and Department of Homeland Security records in order to eliminate fraudulent numbers and help ensure that new hires are genuinely eligible to work.  The program quickly confirms 99.5% of work-eligible employees. Both businesses and the American people overwhelmingly support E-Verify.  The Legal Workforce Act enjoys support from a broad coalition, including Numbers USA, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Restaurant Association, National Association of Home Builders, among many others. 
The bill was reported favorably to the House floor by a vote of 22-13.


Supported a strong US-Taiwan relationship. Congressman Forbes spoke at a Congressional Reception honoring Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party Chair, Dr. Tsai Ing-wen. Dr. Tsai is a candidate in Taiwan's Presidential election in January. He spoke about the longstanding relationship between the United States and Taiwan and the important role Congress has played in supporting Taiwan.

Worked to provide Taiwan with the new F-16 fighter jets it needs for self-defense.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored H.R. 2992, the Taiwan Airpower Modernization Act to provide Taiwan with the new F-16 fighter jets that it needs to maintain its capability to defend against the increasing military threat from the People’s Republic of China.  Following an announcement from the White House that these new jets would not be included in an arms package to Taiwan, Congressman Forbes and 16 of his colleagues in the House have cosponsored legislation that would force the Administration to carry out the sale of new F-16 fighters in line with the legal obligations of the Taiwan Relations Act. 

Foreign Policy

Urged foreign leaders to oppose Palestine’s unilateral declaration of statehood.  Congressman Forbes joined the chairwoman and ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in sending a letter to foreign leaders at the United Nations urging that they oppose the Palestinian Authority’s unilateral declaration of independence.  Congressman Forbes remains a staunch supporter of direct peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians and maintains that only through direct negotiations can a long term framework for peace be laid out and adopted.  Moreover, Congressman Forbes believes that unilateral action taken by the Palestinians at the United Nations will only serve to further destabilize the region.

Urged the European Union to maintain its arms embargo against the People’s Republic of China.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored H.Res. 356, to urge the European Union (EU) and its member states to maintain its arms embargo against the People’s Republic of China.  This embargo has been in place since 1989, and was first put in place due to concerns that China has routinely sold defense items to the Iranian regime, fostered armed conflicts in Africa through weapons sales, and sought foreign military technology as a means of fostering its own military capability.  Congressman Forbes joined 14 of his colleagues in the House of Representatives in urging the President to take the appropriate diplomatic measures necessary to ensure that the EU continues is embargo on Chinese arms in principle and practice.

Health Care

Increased children's access to health care. Congressman Forbes supported the Children's Hospital GME Support Reauthorization Act, H.R. 1852, to ensure children’s access to health care and the future of the pediatric workforce.  This legislation reauthorizes that graduate medical education (GME) program to maintain an adequate number of residents in children's hospitals residency programs.
This bill passed the House by voice vote.

Supported research for autism
.  Congressman Forbes supported the Combating Autism Reauthorization Act, H.R. 2005, to investigate causes, and provide for education, early detection, and intervention for autism.  
This bill passed the House by voice vote.

Family Values

Raised awareness of problem gambling and prevention and treatment opportunities. Congressman Forbes cosponsored H.R. 2334, the Comprehensive Problem Gambling Act that confirms problem gambling as a public health disorder and gives the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration the authority to establish programs for researching, preventing, and treating problem gambling. Last year there were over 6 million adults with a gambling problem, and the cost to society from problem gambling was $6.7 billion as families and communities were impacted through bankruptcy, divorce, and job loss.

About Washington Update
Washington Update serves as a resource to the constituents of the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia on the work of Congressman Forbes. It is published weekly while Congress is in session. Hyperlinks to bill information are provided if the information disseminated by the House of Representatives is available at the time of distribution.

As always, Congressman Forbes welcomes your comments. To share your thoughts on legislation, votes or issues, please visit to send an e-mail or call any of Congressman Forbes' three district offices.

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