Congressman Randy Forbes | Washington Update
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Week of July 16-20

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Reaffirmed the importance of close U.S.-Israeli relations

Congressman Forbes supported the U.S.-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act, S.2165, to extend vital defense relationships and ensure that the U.S. can continue to support Israel’s capability to defend itself.  The bill also set a clear statement of policy that the United States should provide Israel with the military capabilities necessary to deter and defend against any threat, veto any one-sided anti-Israel resolutions at the U.N. Security Council, and support Israel’s inherent right to self-defense.  This bill passed the House by voice vote.


Called for repeal of the death tax

Congressman Forbes joined his colleagues in sending a letter to Speaker Boehner requesting that he bring the Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act, H.R.1259, to the floor for a vote before November. Currently, the exemption is $5,000,000 with a rate of 35%, but will be $1,000,000 and 55% in 2013, if no Congressional action is a taken.  This bill would permanently repeal the estate and inheritance tax, commonly referred to as the death tax, which discourages business growth and prevents our economy from achieving investment potential.


Investigated leaks of sensitive national security information

On Thursday, July 19th, Congressman Forbes questioned Department of Defense (DoD) leadership - Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff GEN Martin Dempsey, and DoD General Counsel Jeh Johnson - during a closed hearing regarding disclosures of national security information and the resulting impact on military operations.  The House Armed Services Committee plans to hold a follow-up, unclassified hearing with DoD leadership to discuss the impact of the leaks and more importantly, how the Department is implementing measures to prevent recurrence of these extremely damaging disclosures.


Highlighted the long-term impact of sequestration on our industrial base.  On Wednesday, July 18th the House Armed Services Committee held a hearing on Sequestration Implementation Options and the Effects on National Defense From an Industry Perspective.  Witnesses at this hearing included Robert Stevens, Chairman & CEO of Lockheed Martin; Sean O’Keefe, Chairman & CEO of EADS North America; David Hess, President of Pratt & Whitney; and Della Williams, President of Williams-Pyro.  Rep. Forbes asked the industry representatives to highlight the long-term impact sequestration will have on our defense industrial base.  The industry representatives pointed out that the defense industrial base is reaching a critical point and another round of significant reductions like during the 1990s will have a negative impact on the health of the industrial base.

Continued to educate the public on the potentially dangerous defense cuts mandated by sequestration.  On Monday, July 16th Rep. Forbes continued the Defending Our Defender’s listening sessions in Great Falls, Montana where the event was hosted by his colleague Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT).  A number of local leaders and defense experts paneled this event which was attended by about 100 citizens from the city of Great Falls.  Rep. Forbes spoke on the wide sweeping impact these additional cuts would have on our nation but also highlighted the fact that these cuts would force the U.S. to eliminate its entire fleet of 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles, which would put Malmstrom Air Force Base's missile mission in jeopardy. The next listening session is scheduled for Tuesday, August 21st in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Discussed the role of small businesses in our national security.  On Thursday, July 19th Rep. Forbes spoke about DOD and small business at the National Defense Industrial Association’s (NDIA) Legislative Information Division Breakfast.  The NDIA hosts these breakfasts to give speakers and NDIA members an opportunity to exchange thoughts and information on a wide range of issues relating to the defense manufacturing industry and national security.


Questioned DHS Secretary Napolitano on new immigration policy.  On Thursday, July 19th, during a Judiciary Committee hearing, Congressman Forbes questioned Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on the Department’s newly announced immigration policy.  On June 15th, the Secretary announced a new policy granting a two-year deferral from deportation to young people under the age of 30 who came to the United States before the age of 16. Additionally, individuals must demonstrate that they have continuously resided in the U.S. for five years, pose no criminal or security threat, and earned a high school diploma or equivalent, or were honorably discharged from the military.  This policy – one that the President indicated last year that he could not impose via executive order – was unilaterally imposed by the Secretary through the Department of Homeland Security and in circumvention of Congress’ authority to enact the immigration laws of the United States. 

Urged administration to keep border patrol stations open.  Congressman Forbes joined fellow Members of the House Judiciary Committee in sending a letter to U.S. Customs and Border Protection Chief Aguilar in response to a recent announcement that nine border patrol stations in four states – Texas, California, Montana and Idaho - will close. The letter expresses concerns regarding border security and the ability of officials to enforce federal immigration laws. The letter further requests that the Chief abandon this plan, and if not, provide the analysis behind the decision to close the stations, including the date of deactivation for each station. 


Called for a report on effect of sequestration. Congressman Forbes supported the Sequestration Transparency Act, H.R.5872, to require the President to submit a report to Congress that includes an estimate of the sequestration percentages and amounts necessary to achieve the required reduction for each spending category on an account level. The bill will also require the report to include additional data or explanations that would enhance public understanding of the looming sequester and actions to be taken under it.  This bill passed by a vote of 414-2.

Foreign Affairs

Authorized key foreign operations programs.  Congressman Forbes supported the State Department Authorization Act, H.R. 6018, a narrow reauthorization of critical foreign operations programs that included Arms Control programs, security at U.S. embassies, and international broadcasting programs.  Not serving as an authorization for foreign aid programs, this bill prioritized future U.S. investment to ensure that American diplomatic missions can be conducted safely with proper oversight.  This bill passed by a vote of 333-61.

Called for Boko Haram to be designated a terrorist organization.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Boko Haram Terrorist Designation Act, H.R. 5822, requiring the State Department to submit to Congress a report on whether the Nigerian jihadist organization, Boko Haram, meets the criteria to be designated as a foreign terrorist organization. If not, the bill requires a detailed justification as to which criteria have not been met.   Boko Haram has been linked to a number of bombings throughout Nigeria, many of which have targeted churches, and the Director of National Intelligence has testified before Congress that Boko Haram is growing and may be interested in future strikes against “western targets.” 

Family Values

Prohibited use of federal funds for dismantling Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Cross. Congressman Forbes supported the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2013, H.R. 5856, which included language to prohibit federal funds from being used to remove any portion of the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial in San Diego, California.  The Supreme Court recently declined to review a decision by three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit of Appeals, which held that a cross’s presence at the memorial was unconstitutional.  Congressman Forbes has consistently supported efforts to ensure that this memorial to our nation’s veterans is not dismantled or stripped of symbols that honor their service.

About Washington Update

Washington Update serves as a resource to the constituents of the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia on the work of Congressman Forbes. It is published weekly while Congress is in session. Hyperlinks to bill information are provided if the information disseminated by the House of Representatives is available at the time of distribution.

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