Robert Menendez

US Senator for New Jersey
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I consider it my primary responsibility to ensure that you have an effective forum to resolve any problem you may be having with a federal or state government agency. Therefore, it is a pleasure to provide casework assistance to my fellow New Jerseyans. So please allow my staff to help you cut through the red tape with the Social Security Administration; workers' compensation claims; military service problems; veterans' benefits; and immigration problems.

In accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act 1974 (Title 5, Section 552A U.S.C.), I must obtain your permission to make inquiries or to receive any information on your behalf. Click on the link below to download a copy of this form.

Scouting Awards

If you would like to request a certificate for a Scouting Award (Eagle Scout, Webelo, Girl Scout Silver/Gold) please use the following form and follow all instructions.  Any questions should be directed at my Newark office, 973-645-3030.  Download form (pdf)

Frequently Asked Questions

Which office should I contact to handle my issue?

Please contact either of my state offices that is closest to you for assistance.

Newark Office
Senator Robert Menendez
One Gateway Center, 11th Floor
Newark, NJ 07102
Attn: Constituent Services
Phone: 973-645-3030
Fax: 973-645-0502

Barrington Office
Senator Robert Menendez
208 White Horse Pike, Suite 18
Barrington, New Jersey 08007
Attn: Constituent Services
Phone: 856-757-5353
Fax: 856-546-1526

What can I do to ensure a quick response to my inquiry?

The best way to quickly obtain assistance with casework is to send a written letter to either my Newark or Barrington office. Please provide a signed letter with a brief, concise explanation describing the situation with which you require help. You can also utilize the privacy release form available in a PDF format. Download form (pdf)

What information should I include with my letter?

(1) A Privacy Waiver Authorization Form that gives my staff the authority to handle your request. Download form (pdf)

(2) Please be sure to include any identification numbers such as your social security number and case or file numbers.

(4) Copies of any relevant documents. Please do not send originals.

(4) Please be sure to include a daytime phone number and your address to enable my staff to reach you should more information be needed.

Please fax and or mail the requested information to the office that is closest to you.

What should I do if my inquiry is an emergency or is of a sensitive nature?

Please call either of my offices immediately. However, depending on the nature of the inquiry, something in writing may be required.

Can you help me with an immigration matter?

If you need assistance with an immigration matter, I require a signed letter. Download form (pdf) All immigration cases are different, but please send as much information as possible to assist me in helping you. Relevant information includes: type of application, when applied, where applied, when and where you were fingerprinted, etc. Please also send copies of any pertinent documents including receipt notices. Please mail or fax to my Newark office.

Newark Office
Senator Robert Menendez
One Gateway Center, 11th Floor
Newark, NJ 07102
Attn: Immigration Department
Phone: 973-645-3030
Fax: 973-776-1036

Is an email sufficient to assist me with my problem?

If you send an email to me through the website, you will receive a response. However, due to Federal privacy laws, I must have a signed letter or privacy release form to initiate an inquiry on your behalf.

Can you help people who live outside of New Jersey?

If you are not a New Jersey resident, I will refer your inquiry to your home-state Senators.

Can you assist me with a legal/issue problem?

Due to Senate Ethics rules, neither I nor my staff can give legal advice or intervene in pending legal matters. Additionally, I cannot make recommendations or referrals to attorneys. If you need assistance with a legal matter, you can contact Legal Services of New Jersey at 1-888-LSNJ-LAW or find more information at

Can you assist me with a state or local issue?

Although state and local issues are not in my jurisdiction as I am Federal legislator, we will attempt to assist you.

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Assistance Request Form

When sending a written request, please make sure to include your name, address and phone number. If you have any questions you may also contact the office by phone at 202.224.4744. Download the Assistance Request Form below.

Mail Delay

Although mail delivery to the United States Capitol offices has resumed, the delivery process is still very slow and not yet back to normal. Until the mail process is more timely, the best way to contact me or my Washington, DC staff remains either by phone at 202.224.4744 or via the contact form on this page.

Office Locations

Washington D.C.

528 Senate Hart Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Barrington, New Jersey

208 White Horse Pike, Suite 18
Barrington New Jersey, 08007
856.546.1526 (fax)

Newark, New Jersey

One Gateway Center, Suite 1100
Newark, New Jersey, 07102
973.645.0502 (fax)