U.S.-Canada Cooperation on Wireless Security

In December 2001, then-Governor Tom Ridge and Canadian Deputy Prime Minister John Manley signed the "Smart Border" Declaration and associated 30-point Action Plan to enhance the security of our shared border while facilitating the legitimate flow of people and goods. The action plan has four pillars: the secure flow of people, the secure flow of goods, secure infrastructure, and information sharing and coordination in the enforcement of these objectives.

In October 2003, then Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge and Canadian Deputy Prime Minister John Manley released their fourth progress report on the Smart Border Action Plan. The report outlines the significant accomplishments in modernizing the Canada-United States border since the signing of the Smart Border Declaration. This includes the completion of negotiations and an agreement in principle on the text of a legally binding bilateral agreement on science and technology cooperation for protecting our shared critical infrastructure and enhancing border security.

As part of this science and technology cooperation, the Center is supporting DHS S&T officials in cooperation projects with their Canadian counterparts. These cyber security projects are focused on secure wireless data communication systems for homeland security agencies on both sides of the border.