About the NCI at Frederick

The NCI at Frederick works with its collaborators and partners to develop faster and less expensive ways of turning laboratory discoveries into new diagnostic tests and treatments for cancer and AIDs.

The Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR)

FNLCR is a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) operated by Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc., for the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). The FNLCR provides quick response capabilities and meets special long-term research and development needs for NCI that cannot be met as effectively by existing in-house or contractor resources. Visit the FNLCR website to get more information on Collaborations, Technology Transfer, Business Opportunities and Outreach.

The FNLCR also hosts several laboratories at the Advanced Technology Research Facility at Riverside Research Park

The Center for Cancer Research (CCR)

CCR is home to more than 250 scientists and clinicians working in intramural research at NCI. CCR is organized into over 50 branches and laboratories, each one grouping scientists with complementary interests. CCR's investigators are basic, clinical, and translational scientists who work together to advance our knowledge of cancer and AIDS and to develop new therapies against these diseases. CCR investigators collaborate with scientists at the more than 20 other Institutes and Centers of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), as well as with extramural scientists in academia and industry. Visit the CCR website to get more information on Research, Training and Clinical Trials.

NCI at Frederick Administration

The NCI at Frederick has two main administrative offices: The Office of Scientific Operations and the Management Operations Support Branch.

Office of Scientific Operations (OSO)

The OSO serves as the NCI Project Office for the Operations and Technical Support (OTS), Computer & Statistical Services (C&SS), and Scientific Library contracts. It is the focal point for development and coordination of contact and contractor requirements. This Office also provides overall scientific administrative management, as well as program planning, for the NCI at Frederick. More at: The NCI at Frederick OSO Page.

Management Operations Support Branch (MOSB)

The MOSB (Office of Management, NCI) plans, directs and coordinates the contract and business management activities of the NCI at Frederick. More at: The NCI at Frederick MOSB Page.

Other NCI Divisions, Offices and Centers

In addition to the aforementioned components that make up the NCI at Frederick, there are two other NCI divisons offices and centers that contribute funding to laboratory work being done at the NCI at Frederick. These are: The Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics and The Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis.


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Since its establishment in 1972, the NCI at Frederick has become an internationally recognized center of scientific excellence. This has been the result of the coordinated efforts of Government scientists and the many contractors working to achieve rapid progress in the race to cure cancer and AIDS.

Who To Contact

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