Business handshake U.S. and UK Reach Understanding on GPS Patents

The United States and United Kingdom successfully reached an understanding on intellectual property rights that will ensure GPS civil signals remain free and openly available for users worldwide.

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Upcoming Events
Mar 29 Smithsonian Exhibit Opening
Apr 11-14 National Science Teachers Association
Apr 22-25 ION Pacific PNT
Apr 24-25 International Satellite Navigation Forum (Moscow)

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Legislative Updates RSS icon

  • President Signs Defense Act (Jan 3) We updated our funding page to reflect yesterday's signature of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2013.
  • December Newsletter Released (Dec 19) Our latest "GPS Tracker" highlights the GPS guidance in the final defense authorization bill, a recent hearing on spectrum issues, the new NCO director, and more.
  • Defense Authorization Bill Finalized (Dec 19) Yesterday, the House-Senate conferees released their compromise bill for the FY 2013 defense authorization. The final act both adds and repeals congressional reporting requirements related to GPS.
  • Full Senate Passes Defense Authorization (Dec 5) We updated our funding tracker to reflect the Senate's passage of the defense authorization bill. At this time, we are unaware of any changes from the committee version that would affect GPS.
  • October Newsletter Released (Oct 5) This month's issue of "GPS Tracker" includes stories on the GPS IIF-3 satellite launch, the recent LightSquared hearing, GAO's findings on GPS vulnerabilities in drones, and truck accidents due to the use of inappropriate GPS devices.
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