Posts Tagged ‘Mars’

Bring Curiosity to your living room with Spacecraft 3D

| Yesterday, NASA JPL released Spacecraft 3D, an augmented reality application for the iPhone and iPad that allows you to create a 3D version of either Curiosity, the Mars rover current en-route to the Red Planet, or the GRAIL spacecraft, currently orbiting the moon. Although it may sound simple, the technology behind making the models appear [...]

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Curiosity is coming!

| NASA's next mission to Mars. I'm currently en route to the Red Planet. Arrival anticipated August 5, 2012.

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| "Mars is there, waiting to be reached." – Buzz Aldrin (NASA Apollo Astronaut)

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Exploring Mars from Home

| Yesterday, NASA and Microsoft unveiled the latest version of WorldWide Telescope, featuring the highest resolution and most complete map of Mars images ever released.

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