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Congressman David Valadao

Representing the 21st District of California


Agriculture is the backbone of the Central Valley’s economy. California’s diverse agricultural economy is a $35 billion dollar industry that produces over 350 commodities and accounts for over a half of our nation’s fruits and vegetables. I will fight to maintain California’s status as an agricultural superpower.

Agricultural trade is a multi-billion dollar industry with last year’s exports reaching $137 billion.  Today, California produces over 12% of all nationwide agricultural exports and 30% of all dairy exports.  I will work to ensure a level playing field by fighting unfair trade practices to ensure our farmers continue to have broad access to foreign markets.

As a dairyman, I know California’s farmers and ranchers face challenges with water availability, trade barriers, regulatory barriers, and market prices. Our Central Valley is wholly dependent on a stable supply of water.  I will fight to improve our aging water infrastructure, increase storage capacity, and ensure an end to man-made droughts caused by regulatory overreach.