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Senator Claire McCaskill

Senator Claire McCaskill
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  1. On newsstands this week, Claire and the other “Leading Ladies” of the Senate talked to People Magazine about the importance of bipartisanship and working together to help solve the country’s challenges.
    Photo: On newsstands this week, Claire and the other “Leading Ladies” of the Senate talked to People Magazine about the importance of bipartisanship and working together to help solve the country’s challenges.
  2. “I pledge to use these next six years to keep fighting as hard as I know how for the state that I love. I plan to fight for new opportunities for my kids and grandkids, and for all young Missourians—to create more jobs, and continue my dogged effort to bring down the national debt. And any politician or contractor tempted to waste taxpayer dollars for their own benefit should be on notice—if I have it my way, these next six years will see a new level of accountability in government.” - Claire
    Photo: “I pledge to use these next six years to keep fighting as hard as I know how for the state that I love. I plan to fight for new opportunities for my kids and grandkids, and for all young Missourians—to create more jobs, and continue my dogged effort to bring down the national debt. And any politician or contractor tempted to waste taxpayer dollars for their own benefit should be on notice—if I have it my way, these next six years will see a new level of accountability in government.” - Claire
  3. TONIGHT on ABC, 6:30pm ET/5:30pm CT: The 113th Congress begins today with a record-breaking 20 women serving in the Senate. Catch this historic group’s interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC World News.
    Photo: TONIGHT on ABC, 6:30pm ET/5:30pm CT: The 113th Congress begins today with a record-breaking 20 women serving in the Senate. Catch this historic group’s interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC World News.
  4. More good news for the Liberty Memorial in Kansas City! The bill to establish a World War I Centennial Commission at the Liberty Memorial is headed to the President for his signature, after Claire struck a deal in the Senate to save the bill.

    Photo: More good news for the Liberty Memorial in Kansas City! The bill to establish a World War I Centennial Commission at the Liberty Memorial is headed to the President for his signature, after Claire struck a deal in the Senate to save the bill.

  5. Claire’s been ranked as one of the thriftiest Senators, spending only 80% of her funds. She is the 3rd thriftiest Democrat, and the 11th thriftiest overall. More via USA Today.
  6. After six-years, Claire's thrilled her wartime contracting reforms are finally headed to the President's desk for his signature.

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