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New Senate Panel Led by McCaskill Will Expand Watchdog Role

New Subcommittee on Financial & Contracting Oversight will examine government-wide waste, fraud & abuse;
Former prosecutor, McCaskill pledges to ‘bring a new level of accountability to government'

McCaskill Votes to Renew Violence Against Women Act

McCaskill released the following statement after Senate passage of the Violence Against Women Act

McCaskill: House Republicans ‘abandoned rural America’

Senator released the following statement after the United States Postal Service announced that it would end Saturday mail delivery in August

‘Stan Musial Memorial Bridge’ Effort Gets Bipartisan Boost

All Missouri and Illinois Senators Sign onto Bill to Honor Baseball Great with Bridge Naming

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What's Going on in Missouri within last 245 days

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February 14, 2013
McCaskill’s Bipartisan Legislation Would End Farm Direct Payments

Senator introduces bill with Republican Senator Jeff Flake to save $28.6 billion, end wasteful giveaway

January 28, 2013
McCaskill Carries Violence Against Women Act Effort Into New Congress

After Senate bill languishes for nearly a year in U.S. House, Senator renews push for life-saving legislation

December 22, 2012
Senate Approves McCaskill-Backed Bill Establishing Kansas City-based WWI Centennial Commission

Liberty Memorial will host commission tasked with preparing for 100th Anniversary of the Great War

Senate Calendar of Floor Proceedings

At 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume the consideration of Charles Timothy Hagel, of Nebraska, to be Secretary of Defense.

During Wednesday's session, cloture was filed on the Hagel nomination.  The cloture vote is expected on Friday, February 15, 2013.

  • Subcommittee on Contracting Oversight
    As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Contracting Oversight, Claire will give government contracting a hard look -- and root out waste, fraud and abuse.
  • Veteran's Customer Satisfaction Program
    Since coming to the United States Senate, Claire has made the care of veterans one of her highest priorities. This website allows veterans to complete a confidential survey about their experiences at Missouri VA medical centers.
  • Grants Coming to Missouri
    See where federal grant dollars are coming to Missouri, and how much your community has received.
  • Healthcare Reform
    Top 10 Myths and Facts