

Area of Responsibility


ISAF’s Combined Joint Interagency Task Force – Afghanistan (CJIATF-A), synchronizes coalition operations from counter narcotics and corruption to reduce the capability and will of the insurgency that threatens the stability of Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA).


CJIATF-A combines the talents vested across many International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) nations to respond to emerging threats.


Insurgents rely heavily on illegal activity as a source of operational funding. The cultivation, production, transportation and sale of narcotics is a major source of revenue from Afghanistan.

Public and private infrastructure has been eroded by decades of war and occupation. These conditions created an environment in which organized crime and narcotics have flourished, and pose a significant threat to a stable Afghan state.

Area of Responsibility

CJIATF-A, in coordination with GIRoA, works with to mitigate the strategic risk of corruption to continue international support and Afghan governance and development. Its scope is to advance coalition counter-narcotics, counter-transnational organized crime (TOC), counter-threat finance, and counter-terrorism objectives in Afghanistan and the surrounding region. Unchecked, corruption, narcotics and organized crime fund the insurgency and increase internal unrest. In addition, it threatens continued international support and the return of Afghanistan as a terrorist safe haven. Countering corruption, narcotics and organized crime is therefore one of the primary areas of focus in the campaign.

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