Table of Contents

Identification Information
Data Quality Information
Spatial Data Organization Information
Spatial Reference Information
Entity and Attribute Information
Distribution Information
Metadata Reference Information



��� Citation_Information:
����� Originator: David A. Crown
����� Originator: Ronald Greeley
����� Originator: Robert A. Craddock
����� Originator: Gerald G. Schaber
����� Publication_Date: 1992
����� Edition: 
������Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: Map
����� Publication_Information:
������� Publication_Place: Reston, VA
������� Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
����� Other_Citation_Details:
������� Miscellaneous Investigations Series I-2209
������� Published by the US Geological Survey, 1992
����� Online_Linkage: 
������� Citation_Information:
��������� Originator: 
����������� Publication_Place: 
��� Abstract:
����� Io, the innermost of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter, is
����� one of the most
����� geologically active bodies in the Solar System. It is
����� dominated by volcanism and shows only minor surface
����� modification by tectonic processes or erosion. Impact
����� craters are not seen at the resolution of Voyager images,
����� indicating the relative youth of the surface (Smith and
����� others, 1979) and its rapid resurfacing by volcanic
����� eruptions (Johnson and others, 1979). As reviewed by Nash
����� and others (1986), most of our knowledge of Io is based on
����� data obtained by Voyagers 1 and 2, which encountered Io in
����� 1979 and imaged about 35 percent of its surface (fig. 1).
����� Other information was obtained by Pioneer 10, which flew
����� past Jupiter in 1973, and from Earth-based observations and
����� theoretical considerations (Matson and others, 1981; Pearl
����� and Sinton, 1982; Goguen and Sinton, 1985; Lunine and
����� Stevenson, 1985). The general geology of Io was described
����� by Masursky and others (1979), Schaber (l980, l982) and
����� Nash and others (1986). Volcanic aspects have been
����� discussed by Carr and others (1979), Johnson and others
����� (1984, 1988), McEwen and Soderblom (1983), McEwen and
����� others (1985, 1989), and Carr (1986).
��� Purpose:
��� Supplemental_Information:
����� Four areas of Io have been mapped geologically at larger
����� scales: the Maasaw Paterzi area (lat 35� S. to 48� S., long
����� 335� to 350�) at 1:1,000,000 scale (Moore, 1987); the Ra
����� Patera quadrangle (lat 5� N. to 20� S., long 290� to 340�)
����� at 1:2,000,000 scale (Greeley and others, 1988); the Ruwa
����� Patera quadrangle (lat 50� N. to 50� S., long 270� westward
����� to about long 40�) at 1:5,000,000 scale (Schaber and
����� others, 1989); and the Lerna (south polar) region (lat 45�
����� S. to 90� S.) at 1:5,000,000 scale (Whitford-Stark and
����� others, 1990). The present photogeologic mapping was
����� completed by compilation and synthesis of these maps and of
����� work in progress by C.A. Wood in the Colchis Regio
����� quadrangle and by extension into unmapped areas.
��� Time_Period_Information:
����� Range_of_Dates/Times:
������� Beginning_Date: Unknown
������� Ending_Date: 1992
��� Currentness_Reference: 
��� Progress: Complete
��� Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
��� Bounding_Coordinates:
����� West_Bounding_Coordinate: -1146048.0223
����� East_Bounding_Coordinate: 1146032.7814
����� North_Bounding_Coordinate: 1146048.0375
����� South_Bounding_Coordinate: -1146048.0378
��� Theme:
����� Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
����� Theme_Keyword: Jovian_Satellites
����� Theme_Keyword: Galilean_Satellites
����� Theme_Keyword: Jupiter
����� Theme_Keyword: Geology
����� Theme_Keyword: Io
��� Place:
����� Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
����� Place_Keyword: Io
����� Place_Keyword: Maasaw_Paterzi
����� Place_Keyword: Ra_Patera
����� Place_Keyword: Ruwa_Patera
����� Place_Keyword: Lerna_region_(south_polar)
��� Contact_Information:
����� Contact_Organization_Primary:
������� Contact_Organization: United States Geological Survey
������� Contact_Person: 
������Contact_Position: Map Distribution
����� Contact_Address:
������� Address_Type: mailing and physical address
������� Address: Box 25286, Federal Center
������� City: Denver
������� State_or_Province: CO
������� Postal_Code: 80225
������� Country: USA
����� Contact_Voice_Telephone: 
��� ArcView version 3.1 shapefile format
��� c:\alisa\geocd\shpfiles\io\i2209_sp.shp




��� Attribute_Accuracy_Report:
����� All attributes created during the creation process were
����� verified by displaying the lines in both the database and
����� the spatial coverage, but no formal tests were performed.
��� These data are believed to be logically consistent, though
��� no tests were performed. Line geometry is topologically clean.
��� Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy:
����� Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy_Report:
��� Vertical_Positional_Accuracy:
����� Vertical_Positional_Accuracy_Report:
��� Source_Information:
����� Source_Citation:
������� Citation_Information:
��������Originator: David A. Crown
��������� Originator: Ronald Greeley
��������� Originator: Robert A. Craddock
��������� Originator: Gerald G. Schaber
��������� Publication_Date: 1992
��������� Title: GEOLOGIC MAP OF IO
��������� Edition: 
����������Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map
��������� Publication_Information:
����������� Publication_Place: Reston, VA
����������� Publisher: 
����������� Miscellaneous Investigations Series, I-2209
����������� Published by the US Geolgoical Survey, 1992
��������� Online_Linkage: 
����������� Citation_Information:
������������� Originator: 
����������� ����Publication_Place: 
������Source_Scale_Denominator: 1:15,000,000
����� Type_of_Source_Media: 
������� Time_Period_Information:
��������� Range_of_Dates/Times:
����������� Beginning_Date: 
��� Source_Information:
����� Source_Citation:
������� Citation_Information:
��������� Originator: David A. Crown
��������� Originator: Ronald Greeley
��������� Originator: Robert A. Craddock
��������� Originator: Gerald G. Schaber
��������� Publication_Date: 1992
��������� Title: GEOLOGIC MAP OF IO
��������� Edition: 
����������Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map
��������� Publication_Information:
����������� Publication_Place: Reston, VA
����������� Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
��������� Other_Citation_Details:
����������� Miscellaneous Investigations Series, I-2209
���� �������Published by the US Geological Survey, 1992
��������� Online_Linkage: 
����������� Citation_Information:
������������� Originator: 
��������������� Publication_Place: 
������Source_Scale_Denominator: 1
����� Type_of_Source_Media: 
������� Time_Period_Information:
��������� Range_of_Dates/Times:
����������� Beginning_Date: 
��� Source_Information:
����� Source_Citation:
������� Citation_Information:
��������� Originator: David A. Crown
��������� Originator: Ronald Greeley
��������� Originator: Robert A. Craddock
��������� Originator: Gerald G. Schaber
��������� Publication_Date: 1992
��������� Title: GEOLOGIC MAP OF IO
��������� Edition: 
����������Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map
��������� Publication_Information:
����������� Publication_Place: Reston, VA
����������� Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
��������� Other_Citation_Details:
����������� Miscellaneous Investigations Series, I-2209
��� ��������Published by the US Geological Survey, 1992
��������� Online_Linkage: 
����������� Citation_Information:
������������� Originator: 
��������������� Publication_Place: 
������Source_Scale_Denominator: 1:15,000,000
����� Type_of_Source_Media: 
������� Time_Period_Information:
��������� Range_of_Dates/Times:
����������� Beginning_Date: 
��� Process_Step:
����� Process_Description:
����� Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: 
������� Contact_Information:
��������� Contact_Person_Primary:
����������� Contact_Organization: United States Geological Survey
������� ����Contact_Person: Trent Hare
��������� Contact_Position: Computer Specialist
��������� Contact_Address:
����������� Address_Type: mailing and physical address
����������� Address: 2255 N Gemini Dr
����������� City: Flagstaff
����������� State_or_Province: AZ
����������� Postal_Code: 86001
����������� Country: USA
��������� Contact_Voice_Telephone: 520-556-7126
��������� Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 
��������� Hours_of_Service: 




Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Vector
��� SDTS_Terms_Description:
����� SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: GT-polygon composed of chains
����� Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 56




��� Planar:
����� Map_Projection:
������� Map_Projection_Name: POLAR
������� Polar:
��������� Longitude_of_Projection_Center: 0
��������� Latitude_of_Projection_Center: -90
��������� False_Easting: 0.00000
��������� False_Northing: 0.00000
����� Planar_Coordinate_Information:
������� Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: Coordinate pair
������� Coordinate_Representation:
��������� Abscissa_Resolution: 1 meter
��������� Ordinate_Resolution: 1 meter
������� Planar_Distance_Units: METERS
��� Geodetic_Model:
����� Horizontal_Datum_Name: None
����� Ellipsoid_Name: Io
����� Semi-major_Axis: 1817400.0
����� Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 1.0




��� Entity_and_Attribute_Overview:
��� Entity_and_Attribute_Detail_Citation:




��� Contact_Information:
����� Contact_Organization_Primary:
������� Contact_Organization: United States Geological Survey
������� Contact_Person: Trent Hare
����� Contact_Position: Computer Specialist
������� Address_Type: mailing and physical address
������� Address: 2255 N Gemini Dr
������� City: Flagstaff
������� State_or_Province: AZ
������� Postal_Code: 86001
������� Country: USA
����� Contact_Voice_Telephone: 520-556-7126
��� ��Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 
����� Hours_of_Service: 
��� Information has been obtained from sources believed to be
��� reliable, but its accuracy and completeness and the
��� opinions based thereon, are not guaranteed. As every effort
��� is made to provide accurate information in this database,
��� USGS would appreciate it if users could call to our
��� attention any errors that may occur by communicating with
��� the contact person.




Metadata_Date: 08/22/00
��� Contact_Information:
����� Contact_Organization_Primary:
������� Contact_Organization: United States Geological Survey
������� Contact_Person: Alisa Wenker
����� Contact_Position: Science Technician
����� Contact_Address:
������� Address_Type: Mailing and physical address
������� Address: 2255 N Gemini Dr
������� City: Flagstaff
������� State_or_Province: AZ
������� Postal_Code: 86001
������� Country: USA
����� Contact_Voice_Telephone: 520-556-7126
����� Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 
��Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC CSDGM
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998