Several students standing and talking outside

Center Life

A typical day at Edison Job Corps is full of activities to help our students prepare for the real world. Students get up early and spend the majority of their day receiving academic and hands-on career technical training.

After class, students study or hang out with friends before dinner in the cafeteria. After dinner, students may do chores in their dorms or spend their downtime studying. Most students are in bed by 10 PM in order to rest for the next day's tasks.


Edison Job Corps boasts one of the best recreation programs in the nation. Students find our recreational activities to be a fun and exciting way to meet new friends, socialize, and just relax and unwind at the end of the day. Our activities include:

  • Arts and crafts
  • Basketball
  • Billiards
  • Choir
  • Football
  • Handball
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Swimming
  • Volleyball

We also schedule dances, pep rallies, and trips to malls, restaurants, amusement parks, and cultural sites throughout the year.

Student Leadership Program

Our Student Leadership Program allows students to develop their leadership qualities through team building, social and business interaction, problem solving, career development and the development of diplomatic views. This program incorporates the Student Government Association (SGA) which acts as the voice of our students.

The SGA is made up of students in the Student Leadership Program who handle the day to day organization of school activities. Such activities include fundraisers, community outreach programs, and leadership outings.

One such leadership outing is the annual ResCare United Leadership Conference held in Washington, D.C. This week-long leadership conference allows students to share their leadership ideas and experiences with other SGA members from Job Corps centers from all across the nation and to visit their congressional representatives on Capitol Hill.


Job Corps is committed to offering all students a safe and secure environment. That's why we have a Zero Tolerance Policy for violence and drugs. Any student who breaks this policy will be dismissed immediately from Job Corps.

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Page last updated: Friday, December 07, 2012