United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Miami VA Healthcare System

The Center for Minority Veterans

The Center for Minority Veterans was established under Public Law 103-446 on November 2, 1994. The goals of the Center are to promote the use of VA programs, benefits and services by minority veterans, and to evaluate current programs and make recommendations on how the VA can better serve minority veterans.


The CMV will assist the Department of Veterans Affairs in its efforts to address the unique circumstances and special needs of minority veterans.

CMV Services

The CMV is part of the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs. It assists eligible veterans in their efforts to receive benefits and services from the VA. The Center acts as a mediator and facilitator. As such, the Center does not process claims, handle equal employment complaints or employee related problems. The Center is dedicated to ensuring that all veterans are aware of benefits, services and programs offered by the VA.

Targeted Veterans

The CMV was developed to assist the following targeted minority veterans: African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans (American Indians, Alaskan Natives and Native Hawaiians), and Pacific Island Americans.

Your Local Representative

Each VA Medical Center and regional office has assigned to it a VA staff member who is responsible locally to design and carry out a program consistent with the goals of the Center. Known as the Minority Veterans Program Coordinator (MVPC), that person's goal is to:

  • Focus on the needs of minority veterans in the local community
  • Assist medical center directors and regional office directors in their efforts to address the needs of minority veterans.
  • Inform veterans of VA benefits, services and programs.
  • Identify barriers and create a more accessible environment for minority veterans.

Miami VA Medical Center MVP Coordinator

Additional responsibilities of the MVP Coordinator for the Miami VA Medical Center include outreach to minority veterans in the Medical Center's catchment area.

Contact Information

The Minority Veterans Program Coordinator Jerry Johnson, MBA for the Miami VA Healthcare System can be reached at (305) 575-7000, extension 6082, fax number (305) 575-7049

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