Alumni Messages

The old campus






































































































































































































































































































































List of Alumni with Email Addresses
Archived messages
History of the Lakenheath Middle School


Are you a LMS' alumnus? Do you ever wonder what happened to all your old friends? If so, let us hear from you. If you would like other LMS alumni to get in touch include your email address.


New messageHi my name is John Paul Rojas. I attended my 8th grade year at LAMS from 86-87. I kissed my first girl at that school. I loved going to school there. I remember AYA, worms in the ketchup and food fights in the cafeteria. I had my first girlfriend named Trudy and took a school trip to Portsmouth? With Shannon Vicknair and 2 sisters.  I was in band and drama and had the lead part in a Musical play. Can't  remember the name of the play. I broke my arm. I used to have a Mohawk. My nick name was Buzz. I had a secret admirer. Double decker busses. My e-mail is I live in Denver, Co. I hope all are well.

LAKENHEATH MIDDLE SCHOOL 1962-1965.  BARRY C. K. MORAVEK.  Hi, I attended Lakenheath Elementery School, ( 1962,1963,1964& 1965), the last year of the Quanset Hunt campus before the new school on base opened up.  My father was the AF Base Chief of Police.  And Col. Petit, was the base commander at the time. I attended fourth, fifth and sixth grades there while one of my younger brothers attended British school off base.  I remember going to Camp Mohawk during the summers and had a blast going to hear the various bands, on base, including a young Dusty Springfield.  My homeroom teacher was Mr. Kelly, who also taught choir and before becoming a teacher he was an actor who appeared on several early episodes of  I LOVE LUCY.  Some of the other teachers I remember are Ms. Lane, Ms. Papas and Ms. Wagnor.   My older brother USAF Col. Wm. Moravek (Ret.)  graduated from Lakenheath High School in 1965.  Would love to hear from any classmate from that period.  Cheers, Mates!

hello all..this is going back a few yrs...67-69 time frame...Went to school at Feltwell.At this time we transferred from the lakenheath school to feltwell.I remember the Principle being a Mr Hooper or Cooper and the asst. as a Mr Rivers.and teachers being Mr Larsan and a Mr Kramer I believe......It was a time when we would go down the the village for lunch..(we should’nt have,it was off limits)I’ve been trying to locate any sites that may have school pictures during this time.I can remember a few friends bat then..Mel Singer,Janet..?,Donna Signeree,Charlie Rollins,Chuck Blackburn,Joe Downer....thx
Paul-David Bollman

Capt Richard J. Prosser III
USMC, Ret.

Hi, my name is Sonny Rush - I attended LMS from '91-'94 (6th-8th Grade). I remember there being a lot of great times, but the names have slipped my memory over the years. I currently live in San Antonio, TX. I went to the University of Texas at San Antonio and studied Communication; then I attended the Conservatory of Recording Arts & Sciences in Tempe, AZ to study Audio Engineering. If anyone would like to travel down memory lane you can contact me anytime -

my name perry zarder . hi gang i went to feltwell from 1974 thru 1977 had a great time,play football and baseball.if anybody rememder me please email me at thanks

Hi, I’m Keith Hill. I attended Lakenheath Elementary during 1978 – 1980 and Lakenheath Middle School during 1980-1981.  I have great childhood memories of my time growing up in England.  Great memories and friends while playing AYA sports.


My name is Alysha Peters. I attended Lakenheath Middle School from 6th thru 8th Grade. Mrs and Mr Hacker were the biggest influence on me and all my friends. I am still really close with most of them, but there are a few that I cant seem to Find.  Like Alex from Piccadilly in 2001-2002.  A few of us from the High School Graduating class of 2008 want to get a reunion going. A lot of us are finishing college and still look back on our days at Lakenheath with Smiles on our faces.

So If you were in 6th Grade in 2001 and want to find some old Friends, Look me up on Facebook.

What great memories!  I am Jennifer Hedden (Garrison) and I attended LAMS from 1985-1988. My sister’s Tammie and Kelly also attended LAMS.  We spent our entire childhood at RAF Lakenheath as our mum is English.   I am currently stationed here again and my oldest daughter Mayson attended LAMS from 2008 – 2010 and my middle daughter Bailey just started at LAMS this week.  The new school is awesome, no more running to music or gym class to beat the bell!  I remember the storm of 86, the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, the double-decker school bus blowing over on the bridge, and the day the base bombed Libya (the first time)!  The roads are still as bad and the tractors are still around!  I haven’t run into any of my old teachers from there but Mrs. Uram is still at the High School!

my name hi gang i went to feltwell from 1974 thru 1977 had a great time,play football and baseball.if anybody rememder me please email me at thanks

My name is Justin Decker and I attended 6th grade (94-95) and 7th grade (95-96) on Feltwell, as well as 3rd, 4th, and 5th (91-94) at Lakenheath Elementary. Unfortunately I don't remember many names at the top of my head but two, Ian Beam and Eddie Towe, were classmates then and later in high school at Judson Senior High in San Antonio, TX. I'm going to have to dig out my yearbooks from those years, but I know I had a blast then.

If you could add me to the alumni board and list I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks

Justin Decker

Hello, my name is Bonita ("Bonnie") Davison (maiden name Sheppard) and our family spent two years at Lakenheath Air Force Base. I attended Lakenheath Middle School in the 6th grade 1975-76 and Feltwell High School in the 7th grade 1976-77. I have lots of fond memories of my time in England. What a nice surprise to have stumbled on this site, and I hope others find it so we can reconnect. The best way to contact me is on facebook ( 

I taught at Feltwell for four years and also truly enjoyed my time there. I was Ms Ruchti in those days. Enjoy reading the notes on your site. Feltwell Jr High 73 to 77

I attended school at Feltwell middle during the early 80's. My name is Earnest Humber
Also LHS. On facebook look me up

Hello, My name is Ken Fitzgerald. I lived at RAF Lakenheath from 1973 - 1977. I attended Lakenheath Elementary School for the 5th & 6th grade, and then went on to attend Feltwell Jr. High School for 7th & 8th grade. I have a lot of great memories from my childhood while in England.

Hi. My name is Wendy Colna (Slone). I went to Feltwell Jr. High from 77 to 79.  My sisters and I lived at RAF Sculthorpe during our stay in England.  Since it was so far away from school we couldn’t participate in afterschool activities, so the only close friends we had were the other kids from Sculthorpe. I’d love to hear from anyone if they remember us.  My sisters names are Marsha, Suzy, and Sara. (Carolyn was still in elementary school on the base). We have so many fond memories of our time in England. Please drop me a line if you remember us.
Wendy Colna

Hello....I too was a military to England in 1967 to Upper Heyford, where I attended Croughton and my sis Upper Heyford....We then transfered to Mildenhall...where I attended Feltwell until transferring to Lakenheath for 10th sis graduated from Lakenheath...unfortunatly we rotated to Langley in 1973.....
David Milne

I was happy to find this site.  My name is Sandra "Lee" Barnett.  I will never forget my time at Feltwell.  email address is

Found this site by complete accident, but I recognize a lot of the names. I went to Feltwell, (we called it Mudwell), in '78 and on to Lakenheath High for 3 years after that. My brother Scott and I lived at Mildenhall and hung out with Darryl Russell, (still see each other), Kent & Scott Dixon, and later PJ Kelly, Wayne Cavender, Chuck & Billy Willette, Al Leija, Ron Parlin, et al.

I'm not sure if any one remembers me because I sucked at sports and had no musical talent, but I may be recognized for my ability to drink beer really fast. So here's a shout out to all who knew Mark Brosh - I am alive and well, living in Texas, and loving life.
Mark Brosh
My name is Linda Parker (formerly Cano) and I attended LMR for 6th, 7th, and first semester of 8th grade from '88-'90.  We moved to Eglin AFB, Florida from there.  I'm looking to reconnect with anyone that may be out there that I went to school with.  Particularly, I'm trying to find Heather Sexton (at least that was her maiden name, but I don't know if she married).  She moved to Louisiana, if I recall correctly, when her parents were reassigned, but I don't know much beyond that.
Is there anyone out there?  I was in band (learned to play the flute and clarinet!), part of a "drama club" sponsored by our English teacher, and was a student of Mr. S, who cut his sandwiches with scissors in order to get a nice, even cut.  I watched Roots for the first time in his class, accompanied by hot, freshly popped popcorn.  I dissected a frog in Science, ate frozen burritos and candy instead of a healthy hot lunch at the cafeteria, got busted colecting conkers (my mom loved to roast the chestnuts, what can I say?) and was super excited on the days when the school bus assigned to my route to and from school was one of the newer chartered buses.  My first kiss was on campus - at lunch - with the son of a high ranking officer from Feltwell (so I would enter the name here, but some things a girl just has to keep private).
I can be reached at  I hope to hear from someone!

I was just looking at my LANCER yearbook from 1963 and then did a google for the school and was surprised to see this web site.  I started in September of 1962 and left RAF Lakenheath in July of 1966.  It was a really enjoyable part of my life and I have a very interesting life since then.  I was looking through the emails other have sent and I guess I must be one of the old ones from that time.  If anyone would like to email me from that time it would be great to hear from them.

Cliff Scott