The ABCs of Staying in

Touch With Your School

Ask questions whenever you have a concern

Build your child’s confidence with regular communication

Clarify language you don’t understand

Dig into your child’s schoolwork and know what is going on

E-mail your child’s teacher or principal

Follow up with teachers and others at your school

Gather information on how your school works

Have patience when trying to reach teachers

Inform your school about issues important to your child

Join parent organizations and school committees

Keep up-to-date on school events and activities

Let teachers know you want good communication

Meet people whenever you can and share good news

Never go away feeling confused or angry

Organize your questions before attending school meetings

Provide a good example with good communication

Question teachers about other programs that help your child

Read and respond to notices your child brings home

Spend time learning with your child

Thank your child for sharing school news

Understand school rules — and why they’re important

Voice your concerns with those who can solve the problem

Wade through the red tape if it appears

X-out what isn’t essential when communicating about school

Yearn to help others helping your child succeed

Zero in on the messages vital to a great school experience

Created by the National School Public Relations Association to help schools and parents build strong partnerships

© 2003 National School Public Relations Association,15948 Derwood Road, Rockville MD 20855; (301) 519-0496