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Monitoring Data - Bioeffects


The Bioeffects program is a nationwide program of environmental assessment and related research designed to describe the current status of environmental quality in our Nation's estuarine and coastal areas. Over thirty multidisciplinary project studies have been carried out since 1991 in close cooperation or in partnership with coastal states or regional organizations. Field studies examine the distribution and concentration of over 100 chemical contaminants in sediments, measure sediment toxicity, and assess the condition of bottom-dwelling biological communities. This information is integrated into a comprehensive assessment of the health of the marine habitat.


ocean pollution

Bioeffects projects are designed to assess the spatial distribution and magnitude of effect of chemical contamination, and develop indicators of environmental contaminant exposure in water bodies, ranging from small estuaries to large bays and coastal areas. Data are applicable to environmental risk assessments, damage assessments, and for planning future resource management and restoration activities. Utilization of consistent methods over the life of the program allows for comparison of the magnitude and extent of contaminant effects relative to other locations throughout the US, and over time. All data are generated following strict performance-based quality control and quality assurance protocols. Data are available to regional, federal, state and local resource managers and the public via publications, presentations and a website data portal.

Bioeffects Project Studies and Related Publications

Pacific Coast Region

Inspecting water characterization unit
Inspecting water characterization unit
  • Kachemak Bay
  • Northwest Hawaiian Islands
  • Puget Sound
  • San Francisco Bay
  • California Sanctuaries
  • San Pedro Bay
  • Southern California Bight
  • Mission Bay
  • San Diego River
  • San Diego Bay
  • Tijuana River

Gulf of Mexico Region

  • Galveston Bay
  • Sabine Lake
  • Pensacola Bay
  • Choctawhatchee Bay
  • Saint Andrew Bay
  • Apalachicola Bay
  • Rookery Bay
  • Tampa Bay
  • Florida Bay
  • Florida Keys/Dry Tortugas

South Atlantic Region

  • Biscayne Bay
  • St Johns River
  • St Lucie Estuary
  • Saint Simons Sound
  • Savannah River
  • Leadenwah Creek
  • Charleston Harbor
  • Winyah Bay
  • North Carolina NERRS
  • Carolinian EMAP
  • Neuse River

Mid/North Atlantic Region

  • Chesapeake Bay
  • Delaware Bay
  • Hudson Raritan Estuary
  • Long Island Sound
  • Massachusetts Bay
  • Boston Harbor
  • SW Puerto Rico
  • Vieques, PR


Ian Hartwell
(301) 713-3028 x137