Phone Directory

EMD Chief (804)734-5071
Compliance Chief (804)734-3772
P2 Chief (804)734-3560
Conservation Chief (804)734-5080
Air Program MGR (804)734-5061
Air Program Specialist (804)765-7546
Air/Asbestos Specialist (804)734-5123
NEPA/Sustainability (804)734-5352
Restoration (804)734-5068
Sr. Environmental Quality Planner (804)734-3761
Stormwater Engineer (804)734-3760
GIS Specialist (804)765-7667
Pollution Prevention/Environmental Management Systems (804)734-3766
Environmental Protection Assistant (804)765-7994
Intern (804)765-7594
Curation Facility (804)734-4436
Cultural Resources Mgr (804)734-4434
Archeologist (804)765-7026
Curator (804)734-4436
Hazardous Waste Mgr (804)734-3811
Hazardous Waste Technician (804)734-3113
Hazardous Waste Office (804)734-3811
HAZMAT Control Center (804)734-5243

Protecting The Land We Defend

Environmental Management Division Logo

Environmental Management Division
Fort Lee


EMD Main Office
Room #110
Building 6005
825 19th Street
Fort Lee, VA

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

Contact Information

For General Assistance:
Phone: (804)734-5014
Fax: (804)734-3762

Last Updated: 02/14/2013

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