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Command Chaplain

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Office Symbol: ARSO-CH
Address: 4130 Stanley Road, Suite 700
Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234
Commercial Phone: (210) 295-5941
DSN Phone: 421-5941
Fax:  (210) 295-6624


Mission Statement:


The Command Chaplain advises the US Army South Commander, joint task force commanders and staff on the spiritual strength and health of the command as well as on all matters pertaining to religion, ethics, morals, morale, disaster relief, and humanitarian assistance throughout the Area of Focus. The Office of the Command Chaplain takes care of Soldiers and Civilians, and their Family members in the delivery of religious support. The Unit Ministry Team stands ready to deploy in order to support humanitarian assistance missions in the USSOUTHCOM mission footprint. This includes religious support planning, coordination, synchronization as well as technical supervision.

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