Press Releases

REINS Act Passes House of Representatives
Bill Requires Congressional Action for new Regulations

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Washington, Dec 7, 2011 -

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today supported critical legislation to return accountability and transparency to the federal regulatory process.

Congressman Simpson cosponsored and voted in favor of H.R. 10, the Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2011, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives today by a vote of 241-184.

The REINS Act amends the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to require Congress to approve every new major regulation proposed by the executive branch. Federal agencies may no longer unilaterally adopt a new regulation that would cost over $100 million per year without congressional consent.  By returning to Congress its constitutional charge, the REINS Act further holds Congress accountable to the American people for laws imposed upon them.

“I believe Congress has a strong oversight role to play to ensure that federal agencies are not overreaching their authority and stifling job growth” Simpson said. “I have heard from countless Idahoans who are frustrated with impact of costly regulations on their ability to do business.  In particular, I am concerned that the Obama Administration is using the regulatory process to force on the American people an agenda that is weakening our economy and pushing federal government further into the lives of citizens.  The REINS Act is a crucial step in creating job growth and restoring economic confidence in America.”


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