Press Releases

Simpson Votes to Protect Hunting and Fishing on Public Lands

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Washington, Apr 17, 2012 -

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today supported legislation protecting Americans’ ability to hunt, fish, and shoot on public lands.  H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012, would ensure that public land managers facilitate access for fishing, sport hunting, and recreational shooting on federal land managed by the BLM and Forest Service.  Simpson, who chairs the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, has cosponsored a number of components of the bill.

“Access to hunting, fishing, and other outdoor recreational activities is one of the reasons Idahoans love where they live,” said Simpson.  “Hunters and anglers have a long heritage of enjoying these activities on public lands, and this bill ensures that they continue to have access to traditional recreational activities, even as land management plans change.”

In addition to facilitating access on federal lands for fishing, hunting, and shooting, H.R. 4089 would require the BLM to open national monument land under its jurisdiction for recreational shooting and would prevent EPA from banning the use of lead in ammunition and fishing tackle.  The bill would also allow American hunters to bring into the United States polar bear trophies taken in Canada prior to the polar bear being listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

H.R. 4089 passed the House by a vote of 273-146.


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