Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Engineering Division

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U.S. Department of Energy

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Dr. Temitope Taiwo

Dr. Temitope TaiwoDr. Temitope Taiwo

Department Manager
Nuclear Systems Analysis Department
Nuclear Engineering Division

Temitope Taiwo is the Department Manager for Nuclear Systems Analysis. In this capacity he is responsible for the supervision of research groups working on reactor physics analysis, advanced modeling and simulation, fuel cycle and systems dynamics modeling, criticality safety, and nuclear data.

He has worked in the nuclear industry, research laboratory, and U.S. government in the areas of nuclear reactor design, methods development, and analysis. He has been at Argonne since 1990 and in that time developed computational tools and methods and performed analysis of nuclear energy systems, including fast and thermal reactors. During 1995 to 1996, he performed assessments of international nuclear security and non-proliferation issues for the U.S. Government. Prior to employment at Argonne, he worked as a nuclear reactor analyst at the Northeast Utilities in Connecticut, where he was part of the code development and reactor analysis team. He developed nuclear analysis computer models and methods in support of Light-Water-Reactor core reloads, and designed and analyzed reload cycles.

Temitope has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985. He also holds a B.Sc in Engineering Physics (Nuclear Option) from the University of Ife, Nigeria, 1980.

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Last Modified: Tue, June 14, 2011 4:48 PM



Nuclear Systems Analysis Department

The Nuclear Systems Analysis Department activities concentrate on Reactor & Fuel Cycle Analysis, Simulation and Methods, Applied Physics & Nuclear Data, and Criticality Safety...
Nuclear Systems Analysis Department

For more information:

For more information, please contact Dr. Temitope Taiwo (+1-630-252-4500 or ) at Argonne.
Biography Executive Bio


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